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George Melies

1. What is happening in this Film?
2. What happened in 1902 with regard to flight exploration that might
have influenced this film?
3. Which moves more, the camera or the actors?
4. What is the purpose of this film?
5. Which sections show the development of special effects?
6. How is it telling a story?
7. What is important about its length?
8. How do you think Melies has moved film production on from
Muybride and Lumiere Brothers?

1. This film shows displays the problems that occur when you attempt to fly
to the moon in the most simplistic way possible , a group of men build
some kind of rocket which aids them in their travels however things are not
as they predicted when they reach the moon as they have to battle aliens
and have to frantically escape the moon to return home
2. In 1902 the wright brothers had successfully tried and tested their selfinvented gliders
3. The actors as it is a silent film and they would have to explain whats
happening using body language
4. The purpose of this film was to express how technology was developing in
all aspects of life using flight as an example however it also shows how
filming was developing as they were incorporating stories into movies
5. The moon features
6. It tells a story by having a beginning middle and end it also gives an
account of imaginary & real people and events told for entertainment ,
movement and props build up the story
7. During its time this film was considered long as films usually lasted up to 5
minutes , the importance of its length was that it allowed them to have
enough explain the whole film

8. He used editing and narrative which had never been used before

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