Seniorsurvey Alexisschlumpf

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Senior Survey

1. What would be your dream vacation?

a. I have always wanted to go to Jamaica.
2. What is your biggest accomplishment so far?
a. I have started my future already; going to the Air Force.
3. What is your favorite fall festival food?
a. I really dont have a favorite food at the Fall Festival, I hardly eat down there.
4. What makes you stand out from the crowd?
a. One thing that makes me stand out is that Im very loud.
5. What was the worst (or best) day of your life?
a. The best day of my life is meeting my boyfriend, hes everything I could ask for.
6. What is your favorite childhood memory?
a. One of my favorite childhood memories is having a lot of friends. I dont have
many friends now, because Its too much.
7. What has been the best advice someone has given you?
a. I have always been told to NEVER look back, always move forward and make the
future better.
8. What is your most played song on your playlist?
a. I dont listen to a lot of the same music, my playlist is really long.
9. What is something someone would be surprised to know about you?
a. Im sure people think that pink is my favorite color, because my car is pink. I
dont like the color pink, but my step-dad got the car for me.
10. Do your grades in high school reflect your ability? Explain.
a. When I get a grade that I dont like I always tell myself I should have spent more
time studying, etc instead of doing whatever I was doing.
11. What aspect/experience in high school has been the most meaningful/made the biggest
a. I hate seeing people fail and not get anything done so, I always help people.

12. Of all the activities available to you during high school, which activity do you regret not
having taken part in?
a. I regret not playing basketball in high school, I stopped playing in the 8th grade.
13. What is the best advice you could give a freshman?
a. Best advice I can give to the freshmen is do your homework and stay out of
14. What is your biggest fear?
a. My biggest fear is getting into a car accident.
15. What motivates you to succeed?
a. Seeing the homeless on the streets always motivates me. I hate seeing people on
the streets. I never give up.
16. Choose one of your friends and tell why that persons friendship is important to you.
a. One of my close friends, Summer. She has always been there for me since we
was little in elementary school.
17. What are you planning to do after high school?
a. When I get out of high school Im going to the Air Force, and then becoming a
Trauma Nurse.
18. What person (current or historical) do you most admire? Why?
a. I admire Martin Luther King so much, he was always so positive and never had a
negative perspective of others no matter what the situation was.
19. What values do you cherish most?
a. One thing I cherish the most is memories with my friends that have passed away,
and having pictures with them. Their always in my heart though.
20. What is the nicest thing you have ever done for someone?
a. I saved this girls life one time. I was walking down the street one day and so was
this girl, she ended up falling face first on her face;she had a seizure. I had to call
the paramedics and flip her over and make sure she didnt choke on her tongue.

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