Hicks Globalized Standards

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12th Grade GCPS Language Arts Core AKS (Academic Knowledge and Skills)

Reading: Informational Text

12. Analyze a complex set of ideas or sequence of events and explain how specific individuals, ideas, or
events interact and develop over the course of the text.
Integration of Global Education
Students will analyze a complex set of ideas or sequence of events and their impact on the
larger global community.
Students will examine the authors point of view and how his/her experiences shape the
development of the text.
Students will collaborate to examine how that consider a variety of
Specific Lesson Plan Modifications for Global Competence
Students will examine privacy, security, and technology in the United States through the NSA/Ed
Snowden documents leak. Students will consider how US policy impacted Russias decision to
grant Snowden asylum and other countries decision to deny.
Students will use the internet to research Snowdens background to evaluate his actions.
Students will watch the Snowden interview Snowden TED Interview.
Students will view the NSA response NSA Response.
Students will research other countries, ChinaBrazilCubaGreat BritainGermany for
example, to determine what privacy rights are in place and the governments role in protecting
the rights (if any) of its citizenry.
Students will read and interpret the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution to determine the
extent of that protection.
Finally, students will synthesize the information to collaboratively design a plan by which
Snowden would return to the United States (to face trial or as a free man or somewhere in
between) and that decisions impact on US policy and relations with Russia and two other
countries studied.
Informal Outcome Assessments
Students will write reflective responses to each TED talk.
Students will create a character map of Snowden.
Students will create a chart with five different countries and Russia to whom Snowden
petitioned for asylum. The chart will include a brief description of current US relations with each
country, a summary of privacy rights, and, based on those two things, and inference as to why
each country responded as they did.
In their groups, students will present their plan for Snowden with supporting evidence and an
explanation of their plans impact in a visual presentation using the technology of their choice.

Speaking and Listening

31. Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually,
quantitatively, orally) in order to make informed decisions and solve problems, evaluating the credibility
and accuracy of each source and noting any discrepancies among the data.
Integration of Global Education
Students will integrate multiple sources of information from a variety of cultures and
perspectives presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) on a
complex issue and its impact on a broader global community in order to make informed
decisions and solve problems, evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source and noting
any discrepancies among the data.
Students will recognize the differing perspectives and integrate those differences into their
Specific Lesson Plan Modifications for Global Competence
Students will choose an issue of global import such as climate change, renewable energy, human
rights, intellectual property, etc.
Each group member (groups of four) will choose a culture or country (including the US) to find
the following items on the topic:
o A speech
o An artistic representationvisual
o An artistic representation---written i.e. poetry, music, literature
o A political cartoon
o A newscast or article from a news paper
o Data via charts, graphs, tables, etc.
Students will analyze each for content, perspective, and credibility.
Students will create a huge Venn diagram illustrating the perspectives of each country on large
poster paper that will include the text of the speech, article, graphs and artwork. Each group will
present their Venn to the class for discussion and questions.
Informal Outcome Assessments
Each item will have a written analysis beginning with the Rhetorical Triangle, examination of
point of view, and credibility of the source.
The Venn diagram and presentation will examine the interaction between the issue and the
various cultures/countries involved.

20. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning
and relevant and sufficient evidence.
Integration of Global Education
Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid
reasoning, an understanding of a wide variety of perspectives, and the impact of that argument
on others with relevant and sufficient evidence.
Students will integrate an understanding of opposing perspectives that deepen the discussion of
the topic to accommodate multiple points of view.
Specific Lesson Plan Modifications for Global Competence
Students will gather information regarding gender roles and traditions in each country through
the ABC-CLIO cultural database.
Students will examine the Hollywood film industry and the film industry in India to determine
how the two portray women in their respective societies viewing trailers in the Internet Movie
Database and videos on Bollywood Hungama. Students will compile a video file with five films
from each country with similar portrayals of women.
Students will also examine women in advertising via Jean Kilbournes TED Talk Jean Kilbourne
The Naked Truth and various advertisements in India for products and gender activism such as
Indian Male Gaze.
Students will gather statistics on crime against women in each country via the County databases.
After using the EasyBib to evaluate and store sources, take notes, and organize an outline,
students will construct an argument on media and women using evidence to support their claim.
Informal Outcome Assessments
Students will create a comparison of gender roles in the United States and India in a chart for
comparison. The chart will include women in religion, the workplace all levels--, at home, in
public, and education.
Students will compile a Video File of links and downloads to movie trailers and videos from
each country. Each video will require a personal reflection and observation.
EasyBib will generate the notes from research as well as an organized outline with a clear and
concise thesis.
The final product is a typed MLA formatted argument with supporting evidence.

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