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Touchstone 2nd Edition Language summary Level 3

Unit 7 Lesson A: Circle of friends

best friend
circle of friends
closest friend
friend from college
friend from work
new friend
oldest friend
running buddy
contact someone
make friends with someone
meet a person through a friend
share an apartment


Other words
right down the street
grow up


Relative clauses
Relative clauses begin with who, that, and which. They give information about people or
Use the relative pronouns who and that to refer to people.
Use the relative pronouns which and that to refer to things.

Cambridge University Press 2014

Unit 7, Lesson A, Page 1

Touchstone 2nd Edition Language summary Level 3

Subject relative clauses
In subject relative clauses, the relative pronoun is the subject of the verb. The subject does
the action:
Nina is an interesting woman who / that sits across from me.
(The woman sits across from me.)
Nina had a company that / which planned weddings.
(The company planned weddings.)
In subject relative clauses, you have to use who, that, or which.

Object relative clauses

In object relative clauses, the relative pronoun is the object of the verb. The object receives
the action:
Charlie is someone (who / that) I can trust.
(I can trust Charlie.)
Jen talks about the things (that) she's doing.
(Jen's doing things.)
In object relative clauses, you don't have to use who, that, or which.

Cambridge University Press 2014

Unit 7, Lesson A, Page 2

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