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l. Which macromolecules were present in y'lu;'r unkt:towus? I{orv rlc yor'i knorv?

2. You are getting prepared to take a "fu{an vsr. Wikl" hikc. LJsii,l4 yot,t.t- clata atrd your
understanding of nutrition, which of tire urrtrinorvn sub:;tar,cf,s rvoulqi prr:'vide the best fuel for
your body to endure this long adventurell I'lr.p1ain.

lii't'ricir i;t cr.ltc?:y<lrates. F{or,v sound

your otrservations in this investigation hqliry,:u <ne*ide rrheli;ii a firosJ i;hoiil,l be served to a
person with diabetes?
3. Peoirle rvith diabetes are instructerJ tcl a-,'oirl ti:ocls llla[

4. a. Using the Sudan III Stain, what indictttr:s th,.t preseilce t-.'{'a lipicl'l
b. Using Iodine, what indicates the prasonoe of tt <"lirlr,;,; 1-;1;'li4,itriiliatc?
c. Using Benedict's Solution, what indicat:'', r"he presell(lil oi : l;i:r;ple ca-rboiil'$131sr
d. Using Biuret Reagent, what indicates tir e prcs,,Jfico of li p;,;tr;i;t?

5. How are monomers and polymers




6. What are the rxonomers for each of these macromol$cule:?



7.lf you were given an unknown food sarnple err',1 a.;Jr;c',i

to identily its contcnts, which test wouid )'{}r.r. ilsre to cle;ttrri:rir'rr:1l"L01tt'csetilce of
a.Lipidsb.Proteinsc.Glucosed.Starchg.Predict lr,trich macromolecules should br;: prcsent in the tnliou,ir-lg locrl substanees and indicate
which test you would apply in orcler to deteet the irrescnr)o {',1::i1}*1 nra*rcntolecuie. You may need
to consult aclditional resources.
a. Potato juice
b. Cracker
c.Egg white
d. Honey

10. Design and describe an experiment to iest for the prresenrc'i,:iearochydrates, iipids, and
proteins in a taco.

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