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by: Hailey Byrde

Who was the artist and why was

their art inspiring?
The artist I chose was Frida Khalo. I chose her because her art has a lot of
meaning and it obviously meant a lot to her. Her art is inspiring because
there are usually a lot of symbolic things in it and she puts a lot of feelings
into her paintings.

What are the similarities/differences

of your work and the artists work?
I think we have similar styles of painting and we both use elements of
nature in the background. But I used acrylic paint while she used oil paint
and Frida Khalos work had a lot more symbolism in it.

Do you think this artist wouldve

liked your art?
I think she wouldve liked it because I did use some symbolism in it and my
work was inspired by her art. I also think she wouldve liked it because I
used the same style of painting and I also used some exaggeration like she
has before.

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