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Dazzling Daphnia!

Poster Project
Title & Authors
(The title should describe the work to the reader. Include variables that are manipulated and the
author(s) (2 points)

Clearly written hypothesis statement (1 point)

Materials: (What did you use for this labbe specific!) (2 points)
Procedure: (Could I repeat the lab by reading this?) (4 points)
Results: (At least one graph: ex. Control vs. Treatment) (8 points)
Discussion: (6 points)

Discuss your results while making specific reference to your data (1)
Did your results support or refute the hypothesis? (2)
Sources of error (1)
Suggestions for improvement/Further research (1)
Must include one citation from a credible scientific paper (1)

Conclusion: A one sentence testable statement that combines purpose

and results (2 points)
Individual reflection/ Short commentary (You will do this on your own!)
(5 points)

What did you like?

What didnt you like?
2 paragraph minimum

Total 30 points
Poster Presentation Due ________

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