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West Virginia State University

College of Professional Studies: Department of Education

Teacher Candidate _Amanda Carpenter ____ Date October 31, 2014 __________
School _Sissonville High School ___________
Grade/Subject _11th English
_____ Lesson Topic _Suspense in The Masque of the Red
1. Students will learn diverse aspects of the European culture by discussing pandemics such as The Black Death.
(Standard 3)
2. Students will identify and define literary devices used in Poe's "Masque of the Red Death. (Standard 1)
3. Students will create an opening paragraph that mimics Poe's style and usage of literary devices. (Standard 2)

1. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.11-12.4
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings;
analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that
is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful. (Include Shakespeare as well as other authors.)
2. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.3.d
Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events,
setting, and/or characters.

3. Students read a wide range of print and non-print texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the
cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and
the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works.

Overall Time 30 minute lesson
Time Frame
5 minutes- intro to lesson and to key vocabulary terms (literary devices)
5 minutes- intro of story and explain The Black Death and how it
relates to this story
5 minutes- reading of first paragraph and discussion of how literary
elements are used
(Suspense, foreshadowing, imagery)
10 minutes- Creation of suspenseful paragraph
5 minutes- lesson closure with brief summary
Teacher led discussion
Student question and answer
PowerPoint Presentation
Reading Aloud
Independent practice
Creative Writing


Reading aloud to accommodate Struggling Readers
PowerPoint to accommodate visual learners
Writing Assessment to accommodate the creative, hands on learner

Introduction/ Lesson Set
Introduce lesson
Define key terms
o Foreshadowing
o Suspense
o Imagery
Introduction of The Masque of the Red Death
Body & Transitions
Brief PowerPoint on The Black Death and how it affected the European Country in the
14th century and explain how this relates to the story
Have students to give examples of other pandemics from other countries
Read aloud the first paragraph of story
Ask students to identify:
o Tone/mood
o Examples of suspense, imagery and foreshadowing
If students need extra practice we will read paragraph two, if not we will move on to
writing assessment
I will ask the students to imagine they have been asked by Edgar Allan Poe to help
create a scene that could be found in a horror movie
They will then create a paragraph using foreshadowing, suspense, and imagery. It is
to have a setting and at least one main character.
I will take up writing assignment
If time allows, I will have students to share their paragraphs out loud to the class
Give a brief summary
Turn the class back over to Mrs. Minney

Ask questions on literary elements to gauge students prior knowledge. (Objective 2)

Ask questions prior to teaching The Black Death to gauge students prior knowledge.
(Objective 1)

Ask questions during lesson to ensure they are learning what I intend them to learn.
(Objective 1 and 2)
Walk around during the writing assignment to ensure the students are on task and to
answer any questions. (Objective 3)

I will collect the final writing assignment to combatively assess their learned
knowledge on literary devices. (Objective 3)
SmartBoard, PowerPoint, Computer, Handouts of literary device terms, Handout of The
Masque of the Red Death story, The Black Death PowerPoint, Pencils and writing
assignment Handout.
EXTENTED ACTIVITIES If Student Finishes Early
If one student finishes early, she can draw a picture to represent her paragraph

If Lesson Finishes Early

If lesson finishes early, I will have a few students share their paragraphs out loud to the class

If Technology Fails
I will have the information of the European Death on notecards, so I can just read this info
aloud without the PowerPoint.

Overall the lesson went very well. The students were very engaged. They gave great
examples of other pandemics, suspense movies, and foreshadowing. They were really
interested in the story since no one had read it. I gave a brief summary and gave them an
opportunity to discuss some of the details. They did awesome with the writing assessment.
They all created very creative paragraphs. They used great imagery and did very well with
incorporating suspense and foreshadowing. The first period did very well with reading their
paragraphs out loud. A few students wanted their paragraphs read, but asked me to do it.
Period two did not do as well with sharing their work. I may should have extended the
discussion portion a bit longer. I also should have provided them with more examples of
suspense and foreshadowing from other works of literature. Overall the students seemed to
enjoy the lesson and they did very well staying engaged.
Data Based Decision Making
Grading rubric for writing assignment


Student used all 3 of
the required literary
devices in his/her
writing. (Suspense,

Student used 2 of the
required literary
devices in his/her
writing. (Suspense,

Student only used 1
or none of the
required literary
devices in his/her
writing. (Suspense,


10 points

5 points

Students established
a plot, setting and at
least one main
10 points

Students established
only two of the
following plot,
setting, and at least
one main character.
5 points
Paper contains few
punctuation and
spelling errors.
5 points

Spelling, punctuation, Rules of grammar,

and grammar
usage, and
punctuation are
followed; spelling is
10 points

Period 1 Writing Assignment





0 points
Students did not
establish a plot,
setting, or a main
0 points
Paper contains
punctuation, and
spelling errors.
0 points

Period 2 Writing Assignment





According to the data, I am very pleased with the outcome. All students showed they
learned the 3 literary devices that were addressed in my lesson and in return were able to
produce a written assignment applying the terms. They also do great with developing a
story with a plot, setting and incorporating main characters. The biggest problem that I saw
with their writing was their spelling, punctuation, and grammar. I do need to take into
consideration that they were unable to proofread their assignment or do a rewrite of their
assignment. Looking at the data, I would say these students have mastered the concepts of
suspense, foreshadowing, and imagery, along with developing a well-developed paragraph.

Literary Devices
used by Edgar Allan

Imagery- Use of words and phrases

to create mental images in the mind
of the reader; they are designed to
help the reader visualize the text in
such a way to appeal to the 5 senses
(touch, sight, taste, smell, sound)
Suspense- This is an intense feeling
the reader goes through while waiting
for the outcome of an event. IT leaves
the reader in anticipation, waiting for
more to come. Can also be a feeling
of discomfort about the unknown.
Foreshadowing- Use of particular
words or phrases as hints to give the
reader an idea of an event that is
about to happen. This is used to help
build suspense. The clues can be
obvious or disguised.

The Masque of the Red Death

By Edgar Allan Poe

The red death had long devastated the country. No

pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous.
Blood was its Avatar and its seal -- the madness
and the horror of blood. There were sharp pains,
and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at
the pores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon
the body and especially upon the face of the
victim, were the pest ban which shut him out from
the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow-men.
And the whole seizure, progress, and termination

of the disease, were incidents of half an hour.

Writing Assignment

Directions: Imagine that Edgar Allan Poe is writing

a modern day horror movie. He has asked you to
create one scene that could be used in his movie.
Using imagery, foreshadowing, and suspense
create one paragraph explaining this scene.
Remember to establish a setting and to create at
least one main character. Be CREATIVE!!!



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