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HLT41812 Certificate IV Pathology

Practical Assessment day- Week 16

All participants will be assessed on non blood tests or specialised tests, it will be any
3 of the 5 listed below.
Each participant will enter the assessment room and approach a different trainer each role
play. The participant will be required to go to the stock table, which will be set up in the
assessing room, gather all the equipment required for the test listed on the referral, and
return to the trainer.
The student will be required to verbalise how the test would be conducted, and educate the
instructor (role playing a patient) on how the sample should be performed/collected and
delivered (if required).


GCT/GTT testing differences and how they are both performed

Faeces M & C
Sputum M & C
MSU Male or Female
Helicobacter Breath test

You will then be required to take your 3 assessment sheets (successfully signed off) to your
trainer who will conduct your progress review interview.
This interview should take no longer than 5 10 mins each time.
It will be to discuss your participation and progress in the class thus far, attendance,
punctuality, and give you an opportunity to give some feedback. Also discussed, at this
time, will be if you have any outstanding assignments and when they will be required to be
submitted. This will be documented in your interview and signed by trainer and the student
at the time.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, prior to the commencement of this
practical assessment day.


V5 080715

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