Fsi Senate Under Sen Dastyari US Supreme Court Upholds Foreign Corruption Sentence.

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Supportive Residents & Carers Action Group Inc

Registered with the

Justice Department of Victoria, Consumer Affairs Victoria and the US SECs Mr McKessy

American banks have nearly $280 trillion of derivatives on their books, and they earn some of their biggest profits from trading in them. But
the 2008 crisis revealed how flaws in the market had allowed for dangerous build-ups of risk at large Wall Street firms and worsened the run on
the banking system. New York Times 3 Sept 2014

Dear Senators,


FOS & ASIC disagreed with cases that imprisoned Qantas executives like Bruce McCafferey and disagreed with
US cases & US Prosecution documents obtained from Australia.
The cases basically say that staff of, say, a US Bank Subsidiary in Sydney, can indeed be guilty of US
anti-corruption laws if they payoff low level Australians in quasi-government public-private bodies.
The US Supreme Court also just disagreed with FOS and ASIC, so to speak.
Now if FOSs top brass and ASIC disagree with top prosecutors, please ask yourselves what hope do Ma & Pa
victims have. The deck has been stacked, banks leant on Fos, and Fos sides with the banks. ASIC protects Fos.
And all the misdeeds are cloaked under Fos without prejudice scheme and its no name systemic reports
that dont tell ASIC that theres a mass of problems in a bank or Ponzi scheme. Seriously, these people need to
be arrested at foreign airports on their next holiday and tried in foreign countries under their anti-corruption

Yours Supportive Residents & Carers Action Group Inc

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