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CGRIFEITH IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ~ 28209497 Ws Griffith PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE TT#TEDN Professional Experience and Practice Primary 1 ‘School of Education and Professional Studi ‘Semester 1 2014 Final report Preservice teacher i eho I Sayn 7 Alsaysconpited 2dr) Yer CY No Yeateat hag ‘This repr sh ascossmortf he pracancs eashers fit rfesonlexererce The fe eiteria and elaborations tn each, relate to evidence incising progression luards recuatestandarés, The nal assessment wil eat (one of fur eves Level Wit teow catcony Lave 2Beow satay {Love 3 Sees = reser leche sanyo conte othe acon paceman {Level Above sas. npresave prance a end) toon othe scan pliant ‘hora opens bao comptes an tne cameron rose in a mata eg fine bat fr lang hasta efecto ard warhing of he cue m cach oe oaren, Aen Levee 9and 4 eabih he unseat ‘Samploton oe ret prlessonl operance Professional Exporiance Result Patonnancste | Retyeteastaioy | ‘Salafacory fortis | Above satstotory for nautale | ee ths lve oO oo ce oO [BEFORE SIGNING. To rosarmensaton t szesomert te our teaching peromance fre fra repo shoul be ‘acanedy tne superving wore! Wehbe choo coranaa, th preach fnsrer ord ur hasan (9 perso DY Drona} In most cases hs shoud result an greener na sgrng bya pares. a sere Grote safety ay Eee, he Protease! Expenens Oion PEO) mus ba cores mesa Tie tnal ep i oto complet and eignsoy me suse, te suger ashe, he ach! corn, an the vers [aor args ecommerdaton 2a oh psloseann expncssaponemt othe cause Pees tra Pees! Enpeterce Gustines rma norsion Prstrce teste uo do et receive t ast ‘Sette ang each fhe Hea al muneriy ce intr rl ‘spo wi receiv an cvra fede Swpeweraieater May yLavereiue Nena 5/6/20ly Pia Da sete oontor fli 2 aoe sie’ Paarse, I fleacsen masloft/22t Preservice teacher Amanda Wilkinson (MATeS 106-2014 aie rit nano ‘Sonstre Univer lsieonmamine : "pant nae “Sbnatre Date Distibution once signed Original an photocopy to preserve teacher. ' Level Well below satisfoctory Level 2 Geow satisfactory; Lavel 3 Safectory; Level 4 Above satisfactory Professional krowiedge and practice: teaching and earning “Plan ning and preparston of lessons (APST 1,23. a Bp TH Senor HOReD wegen nd AT STE a TE Demana sie abo in seg ose Tcwg We GURN TARR "13 Uese seer ean ssn pag 7a Osetra nary asm aT 2 Teaching sil (APST, 2,3, ‘ZT Daronsais tay ceva s GUSTS GEOW NOSPOMIOT T ONEMITT OY BE TE Barats ne SV SWE SSS apa anor a wh teocangleang ine 23 Demenais a vangoofeisinios reuse a bana He cae “Za Vee arrays ing waehg Te Goes acer arieriy sls gach ‘Supeising Teacher cammonis prordso Lee) Tamdoon’ awl mosemenh acticin She Condtudeol a ofall mov nung Secoion vyhowe Sh Plommed and dédineved volakonal Beak vecee ree ama had \senclevfal Sludtnl mmeelsemenh, She was alae apply appropral. dvomation sivetigin amd calerdov 2 bk over loojolo (oojoo J «8 lo0} bdojlolo ppjojojo aaeleia oop|o|o [Professional pacts : Relationships Communicating with students (APST, 5 ees (Si cage ae oars napa nene TOF OT OTS 2 96 @ range of posth ctive and reactive svategies fox ms behaviour 0] See —— 8181918) 11 an ST a ST Serer 8 ‘35 Provides effective feedback in witng and verbaly ta naivual students on herleaming | © | O [oO] DRE ee eT 4 ese et a Hae rire perc Jes 7 OTTO] eT! 6) 12 tenga steal goats wanranuavvommam TOTO oO 23__Netas pessoa espa ah ado a aaa ClOTeTo} ne enemies ereenel Amanda Lome from an Canty Chuldhood beelaround. Sue umdnclomde Aha mpor lane law nolrucons [walk erly 1,2 (br somehinu’®) stepo. She lemows thy Waportawe: Of vebalond utionol neo. moda Speals wilh a seth foal rom peice amd she mow to anol thew shades ulo vegurre erpoliit teppet « a Level 1 Wellbelow satisfactory: Level 2 Below satisfactory: Level 3 Satistactory, Level 4 Above satslactory Professional engagement: Reflective practice, professional ranawal Paratns wee spropia 1 ox ous Sl BoE ae win requeras oe patel vperenen ‘mole ore ca o TO! Sic aonrmeeaare= [0[0 o| sine decent cal wene nine _Sopaising Teacher Comments dood @ Pull tm gobo, Acfamiddy , slady onda Aeadtunny pene Ut Arnamda a Lille “ne pate cauning eho pevied « Avramda wnads dhs most 9] hur dent vw the Paup elasoroom . She proved Jheveel} to be a valuable onan du dius. Shy was Nee hulp Ye sludids vera Aen en alk wa bel = Many lovemons . onneso;

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