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2 Harke Answers Tight Dynamics @l, what i the impostante of Invesnational cvanaara atmeerhere? (). Earth? atmeephere te « Aynavwicain, changing syetem , anennarly th a Glate ef FLUX. The pressure and Lemperatnre oF the shmesphere depend en alitide ,lecahen on te Siebe CLlengitude ana latitude), the time ef Aaqy the ceavene and even ¢elar eunspot activiny. To rave AN Meee vAwatent Tote aceoune when tonsidering the design and Verfemmance ef Fivght Vewieles |¢ practical: theme tore aca’ le AeFinedl Te erder Ie velare Flight tests , wind vunnel weswire % general airplane Aeayn and pewFramane te 4 tommen relenente UDothe chandard atmecpnere (6A) ives mean vawy af precewre, dendry , tempewatwre ang sther properties ar Fanctione ot’ h anefe vamet ave ektrinee from exp, ballcen and couneing tekel measiremenre combined with 4 Matemantal mrcel oP whe atmosphere. 02. Why SFC VANES With Veinelry ana altitnter 7 yi @ bealeve\ It ig defined ac me amennt a Zi Fuel coneumed per cecona te So @Avcer ee Produce um'r thomet = 1b tinier te LL Lkgyee). Convenienal um te kginin, ore Velocity vaviatien! tere semaine ee c O2 SA eb of © ne given veleetny . Censidew CMe) the 9 tenerent wirh if (co eas ee Pemaing emailer men tre nied perduceal wil) be high -Far at mgh ci me aifRerence ip the thasr ean will ke smal and $0 TLEE inewencee, uf ° \ . + ; Aitinde vamiaten) Tere tematne conerant’ with ine given attiude. From me trier car tb orviews Mat T, atepercte Upen Ww. Bub m= GAy}) Wheo al nite Increases © ratne ervicuhly Aeerweaie whieh reduces tne thmet. The abr migheo albinde TSFe inereaces. Aleo ci te te engine at wyher wwiien aires fF ; cient tere at alhade gemaine smaler ee Inghes aln'nide. 23. What le the conalten for minor ware of sink and Shaitowest angle fer pomerlest gwaing Fgh 2 “Tt Rare of sink (P/6) = Vednd av(coye) fe an ro =| Cpnatien A (Pe) min 2 in TEP AM Cpeacoe > ee alee fer shallowest angle, ein? = tan? wien gives Pe cca {+ Spe } aleeady tan = coy CA, What 16 meant by co-eoctinated ten 2 (level tion) | By Actimiatien , 4 level tuan 12 ene in which Me Cured Paahr PRIM ime plane ehaula) pe CARA i" Pree iaye oe Te amie Onn fe, tp a2 level mon Me AIK hid] semaine cont tan es & Wai < Lene © clesed paaaveregram Measenten plana @ come awinsde Csere size enp tn tune * Co-ordinates turn ) TT 27nd op. State 2 baste Wothe reepence te a given centre} Fame eenee, Whatever the tonal acHen chenj4 Alwayt be in the _ Ntlene af Righr 3 GD, The Alzerahr ehenig be cens} ner tee eentitive} \lil) The weepense of me are. tp cReaaten oF the eaetA tex thes tre te con i ve Wel AlePlacemenre but G6. PeFine Neutra peint erabiitry 3 And beefy epplain altewats a ire gignitreance ip For 4 airplane th ghicting ‘tight ew demi = Pegs epee With Fixed tontrale wit as prop, den» tafe) $899, fa Aa nas! ef cg nas very ema inturence. enim tall teem and © A hits sheng impacr en re wing Ferm Ae to re vadhwen ch Xa. al Ee JTyelen etrect Peg ster oe pouenlR anes ae aan A “an pinting ernen ts + 4 Gene Zee The effect of Mement ce. eFC, Keg- Kae - g shiPren me pirehing chan asemmed edoplant te shown It wit! be mered that all tne CURVEL oebare AbeLIE a Pixee) cry ar Qsep e When 4 ch peciven oF 90 per cent te wenthed » THe lope: Veromer temo, Ab The pon Te alyplane te heutraiiy eravie (Acmiag)="' and 2 og Pecinen fe called te ettek Fixed neubra} Pelor and te Aenored by (he) alomAcance 1b, the neutral Wich te cg Can we placer Print gives the meet aft. location ab before mating me airplane unciale, Ir TMeretere plates one mir onthe airplanes permvistivie 9 tranel fox tae alrplane cheuld never be balaneéd abr oP Tnte point IP 4 racic airplane if desired, (Gh, Tre neural peint % alco very convenbentr re ebrain, fer ence te ie tenewn, THe EbAbinry ar any shen 29 Pesitien niulyal point , from Me Friewing velaven: may ve ekreined with geod aciiraty GENS seg AL crireston Teo Atvectienal etarle Ftablily 04. Graprscainy represen” The Typical wina tinned eum ee when Ath 2 ove = erable ay An = +re = ap , mement eo.eF& ) Minera ble where, cy = yawin ye angie yas 08 Crare the baete veqwloemente A the mdse 3 frnow!ng yov'og The euddew muet evewcome te awe Yawlag memente reeuire moments »” Aurving mamenver to adverse yaw} a b aitp etreaw ¢ frem povpelier afe) €- curse wind landing ; 4A. Anti- eymmetsic power? €- gpinning ¢ “aulrovtation’ 2 . shan the Fight 1s Fulng wlth Cmax ee crating angle cf attach, 'Fa quer the effective 14-4 Inereasey eralling angle of Artace (acon), wind tomes, uinaFrecteg wing whieh carsces Al aleatrecreA Ct VA cranke to Adep, The Corresyending a og IMG Starre te Fell down » which Fao they Ine de vane. Since the devrences Te Cy vamne Aue te the Pater tn wing “oa again. Aibe The wing Which Ib writing up emperiance a clecvensed Aue > aecrerse in acom> Bul comparing with The shee i ” fe are he me We t ADCP ie minimum. The veachen bend I> rerare Te lee Mee Just providing Ale abeur ire lengitnainal axje automa cally. a negara clamping te ge). Twic phenomenon ie reemned 4& » Vat ar wera ion: rerween Mrepoerpnere ana oreateephere } \o. Dieinguich j j sine. Trepesprere Starive phere a. | the laver exrenas uplz | tris inyes extenar trem | lect! em Frem te earth's ibe em Frem Me Earine warbale., eur hace on. Shaving Frem the eurkace | Temperamre wemaing A tne gea te Hemperatwre| fenetant im thie layer Acerencee with Increase fo | (21b5R). Altitudes pene yew ie present oe_|_egene inves ib avsenr Meerty commercial Airplane Meth et Ine commercial witli nor Fly fo rie wegien airplanes Fly in mie | zegicn cA N. what i perattic avag 2 The thal Avag ef an aiepline mime tne induied drag. Thus IF ie the arag net Aivcetey attediares with the prrauewon’ af WEE, The parnelre Avag ie wempecec _ many cleaq tomernenre [Wana Farasite Ana | [nrerretente snag] (ees 79 | [FR Biwi ang] | Preven aay oa \ feem bag : oe \2. Define Fanqe & Endurance’! (2 By defintiion » vange is the beval alctance Uneasured with werpeck (> geenna) traverced vy an aisplane on one lead fuel. We Aeneted the range by mR: (i), By tet min enAuvance Ie the oun’ oF Hime thar ap let (ib, by eh, % am Ihat an copiy ne an eray In tne air on one toad of fuel, Ire [tee eee fer tine lengecr pesetuie Hime. , ee 12, Men lead Factor it elated te pani angie ? (0,100 Factor! saci of Litt to Wwerg br Wiese = actin town ward = by le dAlrecnien ys O = angle of cume?} hoe SR =e} Laweoss mio | Alen german " z Weos® | & br = : y= C028 } WW) Sinai Varig Fes an Advorart ane with an apprepiare bank angle (P) Wi, 27 Gide elie (lee tne Fig.) in level hin? ana or teosbaw > = Yong? > feepedy; I What le the need for geroaynnmic Walaniing ? ‘The fexces Which ave necectary 17 Mere The varies tentyple , key We elevator, allerené e7 auaaer, may im come easer be very Marge expecially in the ease Flange aiveraty , With large sonra) suvfacey And/or ak Wigh evecde, This implies That the wontre) eumeace Winge momente awe ter large te ve accertable frem the phors pelt ot By careful Aecign tt te presivic te matte mee of aeredy namic view forces fo help te aAeflect tne sontrel eurFate , Ws seauting Te restoring hinte mement and the contre! surfaces covrespendteg stele force + 1D. what ie meant by Werther cecking effeck 2 Maplane » Wich pesrety ctate Alrectnal eraphilry Will Alwayt print inte the welaive wind, thie efren is termed ae weaten coerslag @ftecr! 16. Deine * Ailerew contre) Powea’ \- © The aileron contre peer iw givers bY) Awe wios cles > Yo. fm > wing anca Gu= 204, 7 j ay cise = Ean) freee) zy z b> fran) ob vy Tr Anas? 2 bE ebtatned threngh ebly inhegraren 5 "A Explain the term etabillny Aemivative-+ (Cota ntl Crr-G)n + ug ~o: CLU+ (Yay tare -a8 23 Cmu + (Cras + Crmar dda + (Gnaed ~ A226 + ( Cnet Cmaga he = 27 Crm * (Cheha + (Chae d—hoa® + bid —ha 268 * (ens 4 Chast —hod?be 2) “there fews eany. ave x (8) Skin Pyretter Drag’ The z oy veiweity gradient Dujay al the youndary layer te large Thus Mere Te Wetont crest on the aunface ofthe body and When integrated over Me cunkace twie banqenbal strese Cat sionnel Prem the nermal stress Wich |e te preseume) gives 4 forte in the stream direchion (oppesing forte te the moving direction). Tris Force canles A AAD cated cain Friction Azage GU Precewre Avag! Because of the precence of the benndary layer, tne effective chape of Fe cbetacle precented t the (invieci4) Flow eutelde Ine beewndary tayo to modified: In PArWenlay, tne effective bedy je het closed “at tne ream. TIS given aise te a mea for Aisenipution sh preseure; in pacneulay pe prestwre is reduces} al the rrean ch he beady, When inveq7ared eve The Whele surtace, me pretcura force’ now give A Yeowlbant fewee inthe Srream jiwectien which is wien 46 freeswre drag 02° fort vag! ce br Oo — of Le avag Wp ir P == ? a = > = —y Arg OD Aireston SS Se "Wwhat ie meant by “ Aegree ef Freedom and how wich mequives Fou an aivplane 2 ; The aegree of Freedom of a gycrem ts the ovat MmAeyendent parameters 42 Adiutbe ta Crate one ingrant te anethes ei the system Prem Fer an airpane*, 4%. stick Fy -&) i ctice Free -4y 20 What |e ‘po@pelcing metion 2 Ve te Me lengiheainal Aynannic Snera billy etek free elation governed by the equations, ( Wwtgtade “Ae 20} (Cre t Cong 4% (Crag hd AB + (Emg + Cm ag) Fe (Chey AP &* (Crag thin hed =U AAG + (Get gyag Aq hod?) be=e 7 by aceuwing k= hye Lecking te goluben of (A744 Ath) (Att aoratba) =e! Avot tip t As, = -daly) The eet ene te \yng pewed and had very Short Aamping Wwile the hext Ir nicely Shorr pended and heady damped. the damping f the tenger posed meade can, neweren become ven) Weak and under certain dertgn conaivions can eceme neshalty damped and even unbtable. Twic mode when neubally 4am ped te wmalyy alter * perpeleing’ and nas veen entounrered in thight ind wild form on ceveral lewepeed aixplance, manitesing Dealt wm the Piet ae 4 pumping ef Te contre! column and mild seellawen of the normal décctewalien. the majoe repyit et trie are: U7, pyerinjunes Aue re tremendont “9! leads 3 Ui), gtmicheral Palluve Aue to orev tends} Bl Explain “enaving meade” : Inadeqhate damping of the lateral eseillaniens fs ried on wih the Fientin chavacremtenich “Pf The oudAew. which wnaer ceTlain cendiriont et patance’ can Wireduce 4 prealy damped lnreral sédiliaten Veron ae ehaeing. ae ert , Ailing wrren-. Phugsid motion BREE G, (when ile large, prvpe ising menion) Cd. The angie ef siae cap /P le exuual te 40) 0 for tne ema angies encountered fo normal Tigh) be v/y It Ghenld be nerea tha, For the carved fright paths ehenn, Ine angle ch yaw Angatey aleplacement 4F Wy te acfined a4 the the alyplaneh cenrer Ine from come aoimuth Alreenen taken ab sere abeeme given tncranr oF me and w aver ner eahal @ 23 Why doan airplane requires a verrien sai? Acummer , Aline ugh te aisplane -by virne af | ire eymmeny wi) nermatig ve ie eansiivri nm REraC aS at sere staecliy, tere ave many fight sondihient 5 oy wmanaupene waay innedcce ying manmenre at Mur be these Lonwal, iF he condlien ot gere siscetip te rw ve ry come yawing mement Woe dalned, thie yaming memene centrel te supped me riled by means et forte, Revmoniig 0 inte Fae Maing GP Bite win ben tied of tie vertien! beth, BA. ctabe Wwe condiitens Fee tale longitudinal etaviting 2nd Indicare theme wins a plow! 4 y (nese up)" Cenalilen! air) Ub. Cee tre? 4 ces re omen 9 = a Ui), Aemeg Fee ~O0G oe S Hole at these Aewn) 20 rk Whar ie the effect of Freeing the Zeke 7 swhen the plot te geing to bare amay the havat from te esnnes erick, Men the ale wit experiance seme dlehiabance oy the ale betome slightly unsrabie v eur trick Pree 4 ow Cmig x aid Le shee Fixed 2b. Dictingmish biw shakiiing ama contre tiabiiiiy! Git ig the abiily ef me are te tome bark te tre erdginad formen afreo the Aleinr bances GD Contre abiity is me airy ef ME pilet and me semrrer smrracen re tare tne aE trom ene eaqnillbvium pesitien 1 apother cauttnrionm beeinen . B% What are ne cenalnene reauired Fox minimune cag and miniomemn: Powe? , a De Ceyer*s) p> ter eek Feo minimum aqng = 2Cpo PHDxY = Cp cers) alee ope Hea]! = Cpe evre} '. Conainen ae eGo. ws Da Itpe weve T. conadiHen fer wlinimnm poner 12 Pmin = PX ¥ma = Y, Ma = (2220s A Ae. > ee) a yi e ) on wel a Pe Soe Fmig = Coo f (20.7? (ey ye = eran” ee Yenn) > Pmin = (22)* ee pe foe 2¢. Explain tne clowsfreance cf load Factov Nn ae aie = eee Ww Bw Dna Pvecmak 3} + Foo a comvesrenAng vetoetty y the aye will experiance commetpending below That Peink. ence into oral! area, It can Manenves uptr this pelnt aa nh value. Unvie. then the arrerare it te cvossing the whit enrer value of 'n' for the given velosdny, there to alee poclhve Whe Acsenibes stalling area > value alive @ a negative » Onie the airevatt orecees the Vane of Nmax (Maneuvering Pant? then positive ulimave toad Factor will cause stricture) aamage and ferten exieedance Pechits in permanent Fediwre in The alvoraptc StMictwre 5 2A, What causes induced Avay ? “The clownward velocity component Induced by the Praiing wing iP Vertices (down wark) causes Indared Avag on the asveivart as 1 es ecwald span efficiency ractyes Ree — ; The effect of Induced avag aw be warrymimed by wsing Cpt > Mme winglets at the wingtips. avallanie With Fight epecd fer a porpetten Zo. Plot the vansatten ef Pewer powered airplane «nd inAleate me effect of altimae on tne cave : z UD For a given altimae power availa be See Cn we x Srerceting Yat mA oo Bene eaneramis alia ating Ma @acoorte iy, Alege When alhide jnereasee tne prber Avenlable te deeveesing, pat semaine i tengrant brot that Intreasiang Velesing Vee Af Thay weepective altimde. Zl Pefline service and abcolube ceiling ? (the alkitude where the MAMMUM ware of climb te gere ie the Wighest altitude acwlevane in erudy level fughe, Aefinet wm the aveolure eotting . (Ce/ema” : Thle altace (Ih, The altitude where (e/) ,. © 100 ft/min ie called ah em cetting. (Gb VEPresent> me prarical upper mit feo Fugnts sreqay plore} condition, For maximune endurance fee a jet Powered airplane 7 22. What are tye Endu Pane ce, In fe | 5 Fetp {me © For maxinmunt adurance. the jet rewemecd aleplane wer have high (1/5) vate} lew Specific Fuel consnmption} more fuel load > 2A what te meant ’y tined-ral effect’? The major conrre) ever tne veiling Memente {¢ the Familiar aileren eyerem conclering a Flape en me Wing suter panels, wich when detected acymmeticalyy . Will alter te wings cpanwise ite aiedaivuvton In euth a way tay te nek oeling mement ie creared, A fetendary’ centre) over the -relling mement Zin be ebrained Thscugh tontre! ove the cide eilp angie, a It will be shown mat for cewrain wing Geometry » tae clip Will altew me wings epanwice ft alemiuuien te eveate a net reiting mement the pene menon oF reilt ng mement Aue +o side clip 1% teamed at Ainedoal effect’ 24, Guapicaty aepretent a cysrem whieh i - catty Uneravle : a ‘. y etavieaty, ’ Ui), aynam aly i ehable cyerem unt tase eysrem eravicaly grable but Ayrant Te Spl) mode, a q ‘ 3% wnat tt’ epita) divergence’? JPioecrena) : eee We Ve chavacresized vy an aixplane revAeNee Ve that te very stalde directionally UE net Peek directional veny Stable laterally. For. eg in 4 larqe Peal thy finned aleplane with no Ainedrals In this epiral lake WHEN the airplane ie in a ban and “pirerqence side oiipping te site Powe fends te heen me airplane inky te selaive wind the purer wing travel faster , generares move Net, and “me airplane will voll fe stile Inriginerny bamk angie , Ye later erapilirg '% prefent eneger swig welts The wank angle inepeases and the airFlane continues to hion Intm the olde slip tr an ere Hahteming ¢piral Goed aivectienal Ftaviiirg > peer laeral sraviniry } Numerveate aL An ate wielighe 26ekKw has a wing area ef @em™ and the Avag naa IS ce Saal Cede een (eallare: are (0) marinara Tee Teaived and UW, Wari ni Power mequboed ter straight and iene) Hehe . i Fight and tre tovvespending te alt bpeed At cea level At an altimac Where Je= 0.98; Agsume @. = 122 balm?! (Do tne derivation past) aie cele) $= 80m*) w= 260nre ny 0.9964 = 7} €+ C.A14 tglm?; wh Gan Clee Demin = 2Cpo = 032) tay VE, Tmin ni (= Ng # 28.295 m/e = £4.46 mb) oro = 12646-2203 Q WW) Vinwin = Ve {z ‘4. 94.8 mish 5 labae.2on) = (4bts.b4W LEM mre} Pmin = Tea aes Cer 2.495 bw } Be OS (Dy iin ay tk \4 = UWhAms) es 2lpo : Fin = Temin *Ypmia = 74 MWY oo, AN Ale te We sready level filght at teq level at spect oomle The pilot causes Wie a/e te enter a howinental comrectty banved Ciscle of oom —radime veering tne angte at Incidence came. Tre engine thst te aajugded necestany. Then the pilet bolng® The ale cut oF the hom Withont altering me angle ef Incidence ard Monet and allows be climes Estimare the vare of elim ifat thar Incidence te bin le 4. For emaner angie oF Yo Sing = fant = Vp ; sing e.a.7 } ery = 037885 secy aoe = Obey pur secy =, = (wesertesine) (heres (ove -ws0)= 44, 6in® = ase 5 Pl derive wie feammuta ) (aver-core) = 21 1-coe?#) Tice) + coe°@— 4.492 1068 = B1- 8(werA} G2COLE - 2291050 -7%.414 =o > Cot = O.4ea } 2in@ = odes, Speed of climb = Vocoe”@ ; Chosk ad the derivation yamr of Pught AY hovi vente cixe) Aa.) mie} Rez vsine} = 1e@.7m/e = 129 miminy 22 An ninplane weighe Isecron > &= fom?) Co = O.01> + 08 A; Daring cwvise at an altitude of Dene (€= 2.174 egim>) We and i6 forced te Acgcend acwn gine guadeny Fairs tn pomceleet glide. Calasavet h. Hininwin gitae par angle (iy, Max maviqe wevercd avove the gzenray (i, Gttae veledhy ar tat alHtude covver pending mmr glica angle) (perve the wnaltien) » * Foo Coe Ka | ip (e max, Cpe Fmax hf He ) < Zee =h ae : ee yee. ADP 2M) aa Dk pe C7 Ran = ARBEM) rane Me a tap) o Pata 11 Pmin = Ader” > alser v- few ,* \% @ Poin. 1= (= ) “pe = Bl2,84 m/e = 12-770.4 “een Eeeere ee anas) WY Bihan. veloc = (R/. ‘ee tbe s 3 BB) (ECF min = Gpecttee} cue {e F i [Re). = 124m ig = 776.2b m/min > min y Nwta = ee = MbLTA1 m/s = A70%.23 mi 9% en a4 A wing body meted ig Hesred Ip a euvsemic wind tunnel» the Lb ise at A geome aca Ka b5 : AOA ay daa Gale aga. Abe ar dal & Ke nea7) Crmeg 1 ~eelH £05 aespectivety, The ¢4 ib lecared at wpm, eiuatace the Ieentien fae & (Cman) ning awe dae os ei ie Ad Babe) res ee AUaMene fed = aaa Ce ey) sae ees (Cem cag hin = (Omat dy any ane (Xeg- acre)? evaluated at Pirek A048 , Whbrene stp" (Vemembes tar « ie tne qeomente Yo €4. ay te Me absolure areca) } qav} = O.C1= Comal y+ o0% (HEhw) (Meg — kre) FA 7Ge> (2. pee = (Cmatwt oo8 (7-¢84 15) Uxeg~ Fae me) © on gelving 24: WD kG) Y UCmiacdy = =o03} Keg Macs ans Kaw = o247

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