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Subject: Charecterization Techniques


Explain Principle, Construction and Operation of TEM

Explain Principle, Construction and Operation of SEM
Briefly explain the process of preparing specimen for TEM
Compare and contrast between bright field and dark filed imaging

5. What are three primary contrast mechanisms in a TEM?
6. Explain why reducing the probe size in the SEM results in a reduced
beam current. Could his be countered by increasing the size of the
objective aperture?
7. Explain why the electron probe size should be adjusted whenever the
magnification is altered
8. Explain the methods of image formation in detail
9. What is the difference between polarized light microscopy and
quantitative microscopy?
10.What is the principle of phase contrast? Briefly explain about bright filed
and dark field contrast
11.Derive an expression for Braggs Law and Mosleys Law
12.Briefly explain any two X-Ray diffraction Techniques along with their

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