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Jump cut is defined as a abrupt transition,

typically in a sequential clip that makes the
subject appear to jump from one spot to
another without continuity which can be
jarring! which would draw attention to the
process of film making! Would take the
audience out of the story so viewed as hiding
something. By varying camera angles and shot
composition making sure it is cut in between .
A 1960 French Film breathless create by a man
called " Jean Luve Godard" used this editing
technique. Which is based on wandering
criminal and his American girlfriend. This is an
unusual jump cut because it make the
audience feel uneasy as it doesn't make sense,
this would affect the viewer because they
wouldn't enjoy the image that they are seeing
they're not able to understand it. But normally
to hide a jump cut is by cutting the film to still
have relevance to the situation, having the
background voices from clip1 still being used
while clip2 is put over the top of the original
clip, to cover something up that could of
messed up in the first clip, or to backup their

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