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Star Downloader - Help

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Why use Star Downloader?

Star Downloader offers you features that do not exist in most browsers:
Accelerated downloading
By splitting the file to be downloaded into different parts, downloading them separately and then
combining them on your computer, the speed of download increases significantly. In the best case,
we have received a 400% performance improvement. Further improvement is achieved by
downloading from the servers that have historically given the highest download speeds on your

Automatic resume
If your download is unexpectedly interrupted for any reason (server error, ISP disconnects you,
windows hangs, power cut...), you may always resume downloading from the point were you

Organize your downloads

You may automatically save your files to folders according to the type of file or the date of
download. This makes it easy to keep track of your files. Also, if you prefer to download files at
certain times of the day, this is possible with the built-in scheduler.

mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Star%20Downloader\stardown.chm::/html/WhyUs... 10/3/2015

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