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here are a few things that were recollected by a guy from RVCE..........

1. Problem on ages of father, son and grandson.

2. There are 20 flag posts equally spaced. A runner takes 14 secs to reach the
14th flag post. Find the time taken from the start to cross all the flag posts
. (The magnitudes are not exact)
3. There are 6 playing cards among which 2 are kings for sure, but their positi
ons are not known. What is the probability that,
<i> at least 1 king is obtained from 2 cards
<ii> 2 kings are obtained from 2 cards
4. This problem is an analytical one. There are 4 people A, B, C, D. There ar
e 4 subjects W, X, Y, Z. A is sure that B has won the prize in X. B is sure th
at C has won the prize in X & Y. C is sure that D has not won a prize in W and
D is sure that A has won a prize in Z. (The relationships are not exact).
When the prizes were given out, it was found that, of the 4 students, 2 were cor
rect in their assumptions. Who won which prize?
5. Another similar problem involving an athletic meet and who won which medal.
6. A division was performed and the steps are shown. All the numbers involved
are replaced by'_'s. Find the solution if it contains three 5s. (Data need not
be exact)
7. Again an analytical problem. There are 3 clans in an island - The Arcs who
never lie, the Dons who always lie and the Slons who lie alternately with the tr
uth. Once a tourist meets 2 guides who stress that the other is a Slon. They p
roceed on a tour and see a sports meet. The first guide says that the prizes ha
ve been won in the order Don, Arc, Slon. The other says that, the order is Slon
, Don, Arc. (the order need not be exact). To which clan did each of the guides
and the players belong?
8. A problem involving, time. A watch gains 1/2 a minute in the morning, and 1
/6th in the night. After some days the watch, has the right time. When is it g
oing to be, if the change in time started from 29th April. (Data need not be ex
9. Problem on relationships. There are 4 guys each doing a unique profession.
Couple of guys know each other while the others don't. Who does what professio
n? (Not the exact problem)
10. Again involving realtionships. There are 4 tribes A, B, C, D. There are r
estrictions regarding the woman of one tribe marrying the man of another. The d
aughter gets the race of the mother while the son gets the race of the father.
Based on this there were 4 sub questions like which combo is possible or can thi
s marriage lead to a descendent of this tribe and so on.

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