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keeping chickens

Hens and plants

Like allot us. hens have varied appetites for

plants. One bird"s favourde meal is anothet's

poison. although allg:reenery is appealing when young
and tender. I \VOuld always cloche seedhng:s. fresh
growth and newly planted tre'1sures (1). On the subject
of poisons. hens e1thEH' avoid or are not affected by
plants that are dangerous to humans.

Areas of nevi planting and salad beds should be

nelted (2) or covered wdh permanent low ce'lges (3):
upturned hanging basket tram es are useful. Protect

the ~se o f newly planted ttees and shrubs with lar'ge

pebbles or flin ts (4). 1ktave perennials uncut during
\vinter' and then cut back 1n spring. leaving six inches
of stem to protect new shoots.
To prevent unsightly pockmarks Cfealed by hens'
dusl bathing. il's wise lo supply a purposebu1lt dust bath
below the henhouse. by putting the building on legs and
boafding the space underneath il. F'ill thtS aree'I \v1th ash
from a wood fire or se'lndpil sand.


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