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OO NONseyss A. MAD Look At Tarzan Today RD & e L WINTER 83 seit [OSD rg [lf S11! / UT DAMNED SPOT: OEPRRTIENT CLAMS AND EFFECT DEPARTMENT WAD Solutions To ig City Doggie-Do Problems. 2 The Rescue a ‘OW MARTIN DEPARTMENT ONE MY HONOR 1 WILL BE A PEST DEPARTMENT In Teton 7 Boy Scouts Vs. Lite Oi Ladies. 8 First Ea 8 Gambling in The Amazon op A era Deve One Day in The Pasture 53 lereotype-Casting 50 In The Klondike \WORD GAME PRESERVE DEPARTMENT One Evening At Home MAD Beatles of One Afternoon in Downtown Lourdes LUPPING IT UP DEPARTMENT EATEN SENT DEPARTMENT MAD Goes To A Buttet Suocer 56 Answers To Children’s Letters From Gad © THe Red BADGE OF COURAGE DEPARTMENT BANALTEASE DEPRATIENT Russian Russian Roulette 59 MAO Ciiche Kilers. 10 queasy ooes rr pePARTMENT [WATCH THE DOOR, PLEASE! DEPARTMENT ‘You Never Really Get Used To 6 IA Las Vegas Hotel Loboy 13° powevocus oepanrment SPODKING FROM PICTURES DEPARTMENT Candid Snapshots Of Historical Celebs @ Horrifying Cliches "4 GODE FRONT. MOWNG IN DEPARTMENT ONE TD A CUSTOMER DEPAATIENT When The UPC Takes Over Completely 86 MAD's One-Time Use Products 16 UTD suGoesTION DEPARTMENT ‘MAD TAKES PLEASURE I PRESENTING THIS DEPARTMENT Wheelers And Dealors 69 Announcements For Everything 20 WHAT NATURE NEVER TORTOISE DERATHENT ‘MOTHER LOAD DEPARTMENT The Turtle n Visiting Day 23 Wouywooo DEPARTMENT ALLY ARQUND THE FLAB, BOYS! DEPARTMENT Scenes We'd Like To See 75 MAD's Physical Fitness Program 24 pur Youn FUNNY WHERE YOUR MOUTHS DEPRATRENT WICROFOLK DEPARTMENT Snappy Answers To Stupld Questions 76 ‘A MAD Peck Through The Microscope 25 Gap Fane DEPARTMENT DIETRIPE DEPARTMENT A MAD Look At Karate 80 Eat Out And Lose Weight 23 THe CLAUSE THAT REFRESHES OEPARTMENT FLOAT SOME AND JETTISON SOME OEPARTIMENT MAD's Smal ration Insurance, 8 ‘AMAD Look At Burial At Sea... 30 TouHLANO-GO DePRATMENT IMaNY UNHAPPY RETURNS DEPARTMENT The Parting Shot 87 The Rejection lip 32 pown To EARTH DEPARTMENT RYE WTR EW OEPRRTIENT ‘A MAD Look At Bugs n Worms ‘n Things... 88 A Porttolio OF Shapely MAD Verse. 36 THe BEST SPLAYED PLANS DEPARTMENT HERE THEY SAT. OEPRATIENT ‘An Architectural Tiumph 8 MAD Look At Some Legendary Commodes... 38 FL my GAMES DEPRATIMENT SIGNING OFF DEPARTMENT MAD's Novelty Items For Practical Joker Jocks. 94 The Propet 41 MARGINAL THINKING DEPARTMENT WE GOT YOUR PENUMRA DEPARTMENT ‘rawn-Out Dramas” By Aragones. The Shadow Knows 42 “Various Places Around The Magazine »+o AND HERE IS THE SILLIEST NONSENSE OF ALL... [MAD WINTER'S SUPER SPECIAL NUMBER 45, Ps Inc, 488 MADIbon Avenue, New York, KY. 10022 En lished by F.C. Publications, WILLIAM M. GAINES pu contents Copyeight ©1959, EOLA n Mut wt nn, TOM NOZKOWSKEprodiston 3969, Be, 1963, 1963, 164, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 170, 197,192. 173, 1976, tors, 196, 197, 1978 1979, 1860 and 1683 by CF Publcationy Ine The tamesand. NICK MEGLIN son edir SOHN PICARRA assole elt Sharacers used in MAD Htlon and semb-fiction are fictitious A similarity without ‘CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS AND WRITERS ‘Stiri pepose to living person Ina eoincdency Pinta iota sna pene of ace ‘LBD Copyricht © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc ! TROL! SUPPORT GUN CON

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