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Kristina Russell

Information Literacy

September 12, 2015

CSIT 101

1a.) Keyword: Security

1b.) Database: Business Source Premier
1c.)This database was chosen because it returned the
largest number of
1d.) Chang, Ee-Chien, et al. "Enhancing Host Security
Using External
Environment Sensors." International Journal Of Information
Security 10.5
(2011): 285-299. Business Source Premier. Web. 12 Sept.


Refine Results

1e.) Young, William, and Nancy G. Leveson. "An Integrated

Approach To

Current Search

Safety And Security Based On Systems

Theory."Communications Of The

Find all my search terms:


ACM 57.2 (2014): 31-35. Business Source Premier. Web. 12

Sept. 2015.
2a.) Even the FBI Is Worried About Internet of Things

Remove:Also search within
the full text of the articles



All sorts of ordinary, daily use devices becoming connected

to the internet poses a security threat to everyone.
Devices most at-risk are those that use UPnP, default

passwords, or open wi-fi connections. They will be a

hackers playground.



Reviewed) Journals
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in Library



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Brown, Bob. Network World. 11 09 2015. 12 09 2015.

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Available in Library

3a.) I used keyword: security



ABC News. 17 September 2015. 17

September 2015.
3c.) I used Yahoo! and Bing

3d.) see table below

Scholarly (Peer

Kristina Russell
Information Literacy

September 12, 2015

CSIT 101

Search Engine



Which Is Better ?


Not so good

How ?

More articles, less


Mostly advertisements
from companies

Results ?



4a.) Time- written on September 11, 2015

4b.) Relevance- yes, it relates my topic
4c.) Authority- The author is Bob Brown. He is a news editor for Network World and
works closely with the staffs wireless and mobile reporters.
4d.) Accurate- I believe the source is trustworthy and the information has
evidentiary support.
4e.) Purpose- The content is objective and was written to inform the general

5a.) Ease of AccessBoth articles were equally easy to access and both were found on the first
page of returned results. However, the information contained in the articles were
very different. The database article was more in-depth and used jargon unfamiliar to
most general consumers. Unlike the database article, the internet article was easier
to read and much shorter in length as it gives an objective view and opinion of the
5b.) Timeliness-

Kristina Russell
Information Literacy

September 12, 2015

CSIT 101

The article from the database was written in 2011 and has not been updated
since its original posting. The internet article was written only a day ago and has not
been updated as the subject matter is a very recent occurrence.
5c.) AuthorityEven though the news editor works closely with the wireless department of
reporters, that does not make him more qualified than the author of the peer
reviewed article from the database. In actuality, Mr. Brown has to go to someone
such as Mr. Chang (the author of my first article) in order to get the information he
needs to write his article for Network World. Thus, making Mr. Chang the authority
on the topic.

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