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LIBRO FACE2FACE-Intermediate students book

Chapter 3B: Lonely Planet

Student: Obeso Chvez Luis Angel
Level: Intermediate 2
Saturdays-Sundays (8:00-10:30 am)
Institution: Cidunt
Phrases with travel, get and go on
1. Do you use these words/phrases with: travel, get, go on

Travel on your own

Get into/out of car
Go on a trip
Get back from somewhere
Travel a guide tour
Get independently
Go on a journey
Travel first/business/economy class
Go on a cruise
Get here/there by (10:30)
Travel together/separately
Travel light
Get on/off a bus/plane/train
Go on a package holiday
Get a taxi

2. Complete these sentences with the correct form of travel, get or go on.
a. I like going on lon a car journeys.
b. I sometimes get a taxi home after work.
c. I went on a guided tour last year.
d. I like traveling on my own.
e. I sometimes get taxis when Im late.
f. Ive never been on a cruise.
g. When I go away, I usually travel light.

4. Read the article again. Answer these questions.

a. How long has Lonely Planet been publishing guide books?
The Company has been publishing guide books for 40 years.
b. What did Tony and Maureen do on their honeymoon?
They travelled across Europe and Asia to Australia in an old van.
c. Where did they write their second guide book?
They wrote the second guide book in a Singapore hotel room
d. How many books has Lonely Planet published?
Lonely Planet has published over 650 books since the Company began.

e. What is The Thorn Tree?

The Thorn Tree, is one of the the most popular places online for advice on travelling

What else do Lonely Planet do?

They have a televisin Company, Lonely Planet TV, has been making programmes since

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