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English 4 - Speaking Task 20% - Comparing our parents past to our present.

INDICATOR Identify 3 differences and 3 similarities (in terms of social life, education and technology) between
your parents past and your own present life, and describe those differences and similarities, using appropriate
grammar resources such as past and present tense and comparatives to refer to past events and make comparisons
SITUATION In your university CTS course, you have been asked to compare your life with that of your parents in
the past. You should interview your parents about their past social life, education and technology. You must prepare
a 3 to 5 minute discourse to participate in a small group discussion in which you must present the information collected
in your interviews. Discourses will be tape recorded under students consent to guarantee assessment reliability. The
teacher might ask questions during the discussion.
1. Before class, each student will interview their parents, grandparents, uncles, or aunts about their past social life,
education and relation to technology.
2. Each student should prepare for a small group discussion about social life, education and technology in the past,
providing the information collected in their interviews.
3. In class, students will be divided in small groups. Each member of the group will present the information collected
in their interviews while the rest listen and may ask questions. Students should use lexicon related to social life,
education and technology and appropriate grammar resources (past and present tense, time expressions, and




Fair Good Excel Total


Lexicon related to social life, education and technology is

used accurately and appropriately.


Pronunciation of words and intonation of structures are


Communication Discourse flow is constant and clear. Questions are

answered correctly.


Past tense is properly used to describe your parents past life,

and present to describe your life. Comparatives are used to
make comparison between past and present. Also, time
expressions are used to indicate whether past or present.


The discourse includes all the requested items (social life,

education and technology in the past) and is well organized
(compare and contrast), showing understanding of the


STUDENTS NAME: _________________________________ ID NUMBER: ____________________________

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