Present Simple and Continuous Exercises

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Study and practice

Present Simple or Present Continuous?
1. Complete the following sentences using the Present Continuous.
a) Phillip and Tom, at the moment, ........................ a new pair of jeans. ( buy )
b) Ann ........................... a new job. ( look for)
c) Right now, I .................................... the address. (remember)
d) People ............................... very early nowadays. (get up)
e) My brothers and I ................................ Geography classes. (take)

2. Rewrite the previous sentences in the negative form.

3. Rewrite the previous sentences in the interrogative form.

4. Circle the error in the following sentences.

a) Is Benficas side playing a nice football at the moment? Yes, they arent.
b) Am Peter doing the homework? No, he isnt.
c) Are they sing at the moment? Yes, they are.
d) Is Ann writing a postcard? No, she is.

5. Build sentences in the Present Continuous.

a) He / play / football / at the moment
b) Tom / eat / an ice-cream
c) My parents / have / dinner
d) I / watch / TV / now

6. Complete with Present Continuous or Present Simple.

a) My mother usually ....................... (finish) work at 5 p.m.
b) What .............................(do / Jim)? He ........................... (read) a book at the moment.
c) What ............................... (do / you) on Saturdays? I sometimes .......................... (go) to the
cinema with my friends.
d) They ..................... (run) in the park now.
e) She .......................... (drive) fast today.
f) At the moment my wife ..................... (feed) the dogs and I ...........................(water) the plants.
g) John .................... (not study) at the moment. He ............................. (read) a comic book.
h) They .............................. (usually/travel) to the mountains.
i) Who .............................................. (you / phone)now?


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