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Fill in the blanks with adjectives denoting colour:

1. The apple is
2. The sky is ..
3. The sun is ..
4. The grass is
My eyes are .
VI. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding words from the following list:
forty / am / party / great / baloons/ / years/ friends/ was /very / is
Yesterday it was my dads birthday, and we organized a surprise ___________
for him. It _______ great! We decorated the living room with__________, and Mum
baked a big cake. There were_________ candles on the cake because my dad was
forty ____________ old. We invited all the family and lots of __________, and waited
for him to come back from work. It was __________ funny. He usually comes into
the house and shouts Hi, everyone! I_______ home!, but yesterday he shouted
Where ___________ everyone? He was surprised to see us coming out behind the
chairs, the sofa and the curtains, shouting Surprise. We had a __________ party,
and Dad said it was the best party ever.

is leaving; 2) am writing; 3) walks; 4) is going; 5) go; 6) goes; 7) are playing; 8) cries; 9)

am not doing; 10) Does he watch

la rom, clasa a VII-a. Barem: 18x3= 54

ult ex: 5p, deci 56, plus altele, in funcie de rezultatele bjeilor))

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