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West Virginia State University

College of Professional Studies

Department of Education
Professional Development (PD) Reflection Outline
Britney Spencer

Major Content Area:

Art Education

Circle one:

PD Topic/Title:
Kappa Delta Pi

PD Date:

PD Units:

Please respond to the following prompts:

1. Summarize the key points you learned from this Professional Development
Being the secretary for Kappa Delta Pi has taught me numerous organizational skills as
well as reflection abilities. I now know how to quickly and accurately take notes as well
as create professional development sessions so other can learn. It was my duty to chair
this board, and create extended learning opportunities for the society.
2. Discuss how these key points connect to your content area.
The contacts and resources have greatly expanded thanks to kapp and it is my hope to
bring such development sessions to the school i am in. I also would like to initiate the
National Art Honors Society in my school. The organization provides numerous grant
opportunities for the school, and it gets the students involved and learning. Also, there
are several scholarship opportunities for students who are part of the organization.
3. Share how you might use this new information in your future classroom.
I believe that the note taking abilities will serve me well when I am recording things
about students behavior. Many times in public education teacher notes are some of the
greatest driving forces to get a students and IEP or any additional help them may
require. Also, I think my organizational skills will benefit the classroom as well. Keeping
things, clean and organized will allow the students to function better in the art room.
My art classroom I have observed i have been messy and chaotic, similarly to the
students in their classrooms.
Note: Make sure you upload this document to your professional portfolio along with your
scanned PD letter and/or PD certificate.

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