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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam September 27, 2015

In the spiritual field what is the qualification we must acquire to live free?
Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.

No other person can bind you; you do it yourself! You choose to

become bound, straying away from the righteous (dharmic) path.
If faith in Gods omnipresence is deep-rooted, you would become
aware that He is within you and you will choose to be free. For
that faith to grow, you must grasp the Divine (Atmic) bliss firmly.
The reality of the Divinity (Atma) is the bedrock, that is the
incontrovertible wisdom (nishchitha-jnana). Without that
foundation, you will easily become the target of doubt, despair,
and delusion. Therefore, first endeavour to be free. That is to say,
as a prerequisite to successful living, cultivate faith in
righteousness (dharma) as the core of your personality, and then
learn and practise the discipline necessary to reach down to that
core. When you acquire that qualification, you can engage fully in
worldly activities, following the prescribed right
conduct (dharma).Thus you transform yourself to be a moral
individual (dharma-purusha).
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 2.

27 sqMbr,2015
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: A`iDAwqimk Kyqr iv`c,Awzwd rihx leI,swfy iv`c ikhVy gux hoxy cwhIdy hn?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr
nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: koe I vI quhwnUM,bMDn iv`c nhIN pw skdw[qusIN,ies dy Kud iz`mydwr ho[qusIN Kud,Drm dy rsqy qy nw cl ky
Kud nUM, bMDn iv`c pw lY Ndy ho[jy quhwfy iv`c ieh p`kw ivSvwS hov y ik Bgvwn hr jgHw ivrwjmwn hn qW
quhwnUM,Awpxy-Awp pqw lg jwvy gw ik Bgvwn,quhwfy AMdr ivrwjmwn hn Aqy qusIN Awpxy-Awp nUM Awzwd
mihsUs kro gy[ies qrHW dy ivSvwS nUM p`kw krn leI quhwnUM, Bgvwn dy Awqimk AwnMd iv`c pUrI qrHW vlIn hoxw
pvy gw[ieh swrw ku`J,idvX igAwn kwrx hI sMB v hY[ies buinAwd qoN ibnW,quhwfy iv`c ,S`k,audwsI rhy gI Aqy
qusIN ,moh-mwieAw iv`c Psy rho gy[ies leI ,pihlW Awzwd hox leI pUrI koiSS kro[ies dw ArQ hY ik
kwmXwbI nwl rihx leI pihlW Awpxy iv`c,Drm iv`c rihx leI pUrw ivSvwS pYdw kro Aqy iPr aus iv`c rihx
dw pUrw A`iBAws kro[jd quhwfy iv`c ieh gux pYdw ho igAw qW Drm qy cldy hoe y,sMswrI krm krdy jwau[aus
vyly qusIN Drm purK iv`c bdl jwvo gy[(Drm vwihnI A`iDAwey do)[
AwpxI AMqr-Awqmw nwl juVnw Aqy aus muqwbl clnw hI AslI Drm hY [(bwbw)[

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