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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam September 29, 2015

What is the easiest way to being free being at home or being employed?
Today Bhagawan shares with us a precious tip to live in happiness and

Some people hold the opinion that being employed is bondage, while
sitting at home without any specific work is freedom! This is a sign of
lack of intelligence. When employed in a job, one obeys their
superiors. In the same way, being at home, can anyone escape the
demands and compulsions of the family? Even when you are amidst
your friends, can you avoid the necessity of acting according to their
fancy? Hence, understand that all life is a prison; the differences are
merely in the types of imprisonment! Yo u will feel it this way as long as
the attitude of identifying yourself with the body is there. On the other
hand, the liberated ones will trample down their egoism, discriminate
sensual pleasure from real happiness, and perform their duties. They
will use duty (Karma) as an aid to help in the destruction of the ego.
This is the path to freedom and happiness.
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 2.

29 sqMbr,2015
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:Gr jW dPqr iv`c AwzwdI nwl rihx dw ikhVw sOKw qrIkw hY ? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,Awzwd Aqy KuS rihx dw
qrIkw dsdy hn[
au`qr: keI lokW dw ivcwr hY ik dPqr iv`c nOkrI krnw,AwzwdI nhIN hY Aqy Gr iv`c ibnW kMm kIqy
rihxw,AslI AwzwdI hY[ies qrHW kihxw AklmMdI nhIN hY[nOkrI krn vyl y qusIN Awpxy mwlk dw kihxw mMndy
ho[ausy qrHW,Gr iv`c rihMdy hoe y vI quhwnUM,Gr dIAW zrUrqW nUM vI iDAwn r`Kxw pYNdw hY[jd qusIN,Awpxy dosqW
iv`c rih rhy huMdy ho qW kI qusIN,Awpxy dosqW dI gl twl skdy ho?Xwd r`K o ik swrw jIvn hI iek jyl dI qrHW hY
pr Prk ie`nw hI hY ik ieh jyl dI iksm,v`K-v`K qrHW dI hY [ieh jyl,qsIN aus vyl y qweIN hI mihsUs kro gy jd
qweIN qusIN,Awpxy-Awp nUM kyvl SrIr hI smJdy ho[dUjy pwsy ,auhI mnu`K Awzwd hY ijs ny Awpxy hMkwr nUM C`f
id`qw hY ,ijs ny AslI KuSI Aqy ieMdRIAW dI KuSI iv`c Prk smJ ilAw hY Aqy AwpxI ifaUtI,iemwndwrI nwl kr

irhw hY [aus mnu`K ny,hMkwr nUM Kqm krnw AwpxI ifaUtI smJ leI hY [iehI rsqw,KuSI Aqy AwzwdI hwsl krn
dw hY [(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey do)[
ieh quhwfI pdvI hI nhIN ijhVI quhwfI KuSI jW gmI dw kwrx hov y pr ieh quhwfy cMg y ivcwrW kr ky hI
hY [(bwbw)[

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