Standard 1 - Maths Lesson

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Topic: Maths

Statistics and Probability Data and Representation

Outcome: Students will experiment with ways to collect data and represent
found data on a bar graph. (ACMSP095), (ACMSP118), (ACMSP147).

- Discuss as class why we need to
collect data (to find something
out/ answer a question)
- Why do we use tallies? (easy and
affective way to collect data)
- Why do we display in graphs?
(easy and affective way to display
the information and makes it
easier to interpret)
*Students now get to make a choice,
they can choose to draw up a tally with
some pre-decided car colours OR they
can choose to write down each colour
they see. The aim of this is to test the
most effective way to collect data, and
for the students to be able to experience
this first hand.
Conduct experiment cars in the car
- Group 1 will draw up a table in
their books with different colour
options ready to be used with a
- Student 1 and 2 will just have a
plain piece of paper and a pencil
- All students will go out to the car
park and collect data on the
colour of cars in the car park
- Upon returning to the classroom
discuss which was the most
effective way to collect
- Data that Student 1 and 2
collected will now need to be
turned into a table and then into
a graph
- The data that Group 1 collected
can be instantly transferred on to
a table
Provide students with materials to make
graph, and explain that these will be
displayed in class (may need to be

Seek permission to be
able to go into the car
Discuss with students
the necessary safety
Clip boards
Maths books
Graph paper.

continued in further lessons).

Students will be informed that they will
be creating a graph and a tally that will
be displayed in class.
Students are given two options, use
data collected from the Cars in the Car
park observation OR construct their
own survey, collect data using this and
transfer data in to a graph (it is
expected that older students will choose
this option, and they will be encouraged
to do so, however in the end it will come
down to their decision).
Students will also be expected to write a
sentence discussing their findings
What was the most popular colour car?
What colour was the least popular?
Similar question will be given to
students that construct their own

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