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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam September 30, 2015

Where should we place our faith and why? Bhagawan clearly guides us today.

You are unnecessarily struggling and planning several schemes, thinking

about them day and night. In spite of all your struggles, what has to go out of
your hands will go. The body is like a water bubble. The mind is like a mad
monkey. If you follow this mad monkey, you will get into trouble. In the same
manner, if you believe in the body, you do not know when this body, which is
like a water bubble, will burst. Nothing is permanent. Only the Atma (Self) is
eternal and immortal. I, Self, God are all different names by which
theAtmaswarupa is called. God incarnated as Rama, Krishna, and the like,
and underwent several difficulties to demonstrate great ideals. Finally, they
too left the mortal coil. The physical bodies of the Avatars undergo changes,
but the Divine Atma in their bodies remains the same. It is omnipresent,
eternal and changeless. Divinity in all the human beings is one and the
- Divine Discourse, Jan 1, 2009.

30 sqMbr,2015
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,Awpxw ivSvwS ik`Q y Aqy ikauN r`Kxw cwhIdw hY ?Bgvwn,A`j swfw mwrg-drSn krdy hn[
au`qr: qusIN,ibnW mqlb qoN keI skImW bwry ,rwq-idn socdy rihMdy ho[quhwfI koiSSW dy bwvjUd,ijhVI cIj
quhwnUM nhIN imlxI,auh nhIN imly gI[ieh SrIr,iek pwxI dy bulbul y dI qrHW hY[swfw mn,iek pwgl bMdr dI
qrHW hY[jy qusIN,ies pwgl bMdr dI gl m`no gy qW qusIN musIbqW iv`c iGr jwvo gy[ausy qrHW jy qusNIN ,ies SrIr
nUM hI swrw ku`J smJ bY To gy qW quhwnUM ieh pqw nhIN l`g y gw ik pwxI dy bulbly dI qrHW ies dw ikhVy vyly ivnwS
ho jwvy gw[koe I vI cIz sQweI nhIN hY [kyvl Awqmw hI sQweI hY[mY N,myrw Aqy Bgvwn hI auh nW hn ijhdy
nwl,Awqm-srUp nUM pukwirAw jWdw hY[Bgvwn ny,rwm,ikR Sn Aqy hor keI nwmW nwl,ies DrqI qy Avqwr ilAw
hY Aqy mhwn AwdrSW nUM ,lokW nUM smJwaux leI keI muSklW dw swmnw kIqw hY [AMq iv`c,aunHW ny vI ies ivnwSI
SrIr dw iqAwg kIqw hY [ienHW AvqwrW dy BOiqk SrIrW iv`c keI qbdIlIAW AweIAwN hn pr aunHW dy SrIr
ivclI idvX AwqmwvW iv`c koe I Prk nhIN AwieAw[ieh Awqmw,hr jgHw mOjUd hY,AnMq Aqy nw bdlx vwlI
hY [swrI mnu`Kqw iv`c,iek hI Aqy auhI iek Awqmw dw vws hY [(iek jnvrI,2009 dy idvX pR vcn)[
ij`ny qusIN ,Bgvwn dy nyVy ho,au`ny hI Bgvwn ,quhwfy nyVy hn[(bwbw)[

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