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Congested Traffic

Category: Soccer Dribbling Drills

Goal: This soccer dribbling drill emphasises developing

dribbling, reaction and sense of ball.
under U10, U10-U12

Difficulty Level 3

Mark a square accordingly the number of players. Set up two smaller areas next to the
playing field. Each player with a ball is in the marked area.
Players dribble in the area. Coach calls one color of the traffic-lights by turns Green,
Red and Amber. Players have to follow the coach's instructions, every color means a
determined movement which are the following: Green: Players dribble around the
area. Amber: Players slow down and touch the ball between insteps of both feet. Red:
Players stop and put one foot on the ball. Coach can call instructions to lead players
change their pace at green light periods. 1st gear: Slow dribbling 2nd gear: Steady
dribbling 3rd gear: Quicker dribbling 4th gear: Quick dribbling When coach calls
Service players have to dribble into the outside area as fast as they can.

Soccer Dribbling Drill 1

Soccer Dribbling Drill 2

Coaching Points

Univocal instructions

Eyes up to avoid collisions

Control the ball all the time

Have fun

Use all surface of the feet to control the ball

Change pace and directions

Set Up
Number of players: 10 - 20
Time: 5 - 10 min

Small Cones: 12

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