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Cross the Field

Category: Soccer Dribbling Drills

Goal: This soccer drill focuses on developing dribbling,
turning with the ball and orientation. The soccer dribbling
drill also emphasises developing awareness and vision.
under U10, U10-U12

Difficulty Level 3

Create a 15x15 meters square. Place the players on the lines of the square each with a
On the signal of the Coach, players have to dribble to the opposite line, turn back and
dribble back to the starting position. The fastest is the winner.

Soccer Dribbling Drill

Coaching Points

Heads up to avoid collisions

Keep the ball close

Often touch the ball

Use both feet to dribble

Dribble at speed

Take care of enough resting periods

Take it competitive

Set Up
Number of players: 6 - 20
Time: 5 - 10 min

Small Cones: 4

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