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Febry Thiodor 1801389603

Why I should choose Gopro Camera?

Because this camera is very good quality and can last longer in water than
other cameras

Evvy Anggraeny Mulyono 1801419272

Where we can buy a Gopro cam? What is the cost?
You can buy at an electronics store that is available in the mall with
everything from 2 million until 6 million

Arnold Robert 1801441341

What is Gopro camera?
Gopro Camera is a camera that has a very good quality compared to other
cameras and have many advantages

Novia indah lestari 1801450560

Where Gopro Hero come from?
Gopro hero comes from Jepang

Shannon Marella 1801395700

What advantages and disadvantages of Gopro Camera?
Excess of Gopro Camera is having a very good camera quality and price
weakness is a fairly expensive

Marcelia Elisa 1801394210

How to use the Gopro Cam?
After you buy,there are instructions contained in the boxes

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