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Strength of Magic

Magic is divided on

Magic is given to man by Titans depending on Titan depends magic there can be up to 12 different
titans in vicinity using their part of magic is applicable when they are in vicinity.Magic has three
TITANS MAGIC(Impossible to understand),Titans are immune to any other magic(cast without
DC TITANS USE IT )(Most famous Water of old ages (sunking the continents)
Titan lineage magic example:Monuments of destruction magic(extremely powerfull impossible to
use by non titan family member) Extremely powerfull magic (up to DC 45)-Must be in lineage from
specific titan
Saurian Dark magic(possible to use only by Saurians) Blood magic of 1st degree can be used to any
purpose (DC 40)-Must be Saurian or half saurian
Aurian magic(Elven magic impossible to learn or in very few rare cases) Free magic -can be used by
(DC40) half elves and elves

Cult of Shards(+1* when trying to use that magic applicable with anyone who has any titan blood
at all) Controlling effects (up to DC 35) Must be Titan Servant(feat)


Human possibilities of Magic

In order to cast a spell u must succed DC25 wisdom check

Garland wizardry (requires high intelect and wisdom) possibilities are seen effects non
convocational effects is extremely slow to cast requires books of scripts.(Wizard)
Blood magic :Used by blood mages ritualists can do all sort of things of evocations can only make
fire(Blood magus)
Nature magic/Wrath magic:Can cure or inflict taint and wounds can be used for defense
throwbacks are enormous for those trying to use it for attack (doubled bumerang effects) failures
are critical and vice versa Wrath magic used to taint,scare poison targets return the dead or inflict
curses (Nature/Death magic) (Druid/Necromancer)

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