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Introductory statement/back ground of the study

describes the facts, theories, personal concerns or actual conditions in practice that led you to regard this
research worthy of study
presents the justification for the selection of the problem
demonstrates the significance and relevance of the study
Statement of the Problem
Describes the problem being investigated
General problem in statement form
Specific problems/sub problems presented in question form
Objectives of the Study

General objective

Specific objectives
Parallel with the statement of the problem
Significance of the Study
Contains the reasons in conducting the study
presents the benefits derived from the study


Time and place of the Study
Discusses in detail the time from the title proposal approval to final defense and place of study
Scope and Limitation of the Study
Scope describes the variables included in the study includes the instrument used
Limitation outlines the weaknesses of the research in terms of methodology, framework, instruments, and
Definition of Terms
Includes both conceptual and operational definitions
Conceptual definition
- based on conceptual or hypothetical criteria rather than observable one
Operational definition

based on observable behavior


Terms operationally defined

Major variables


Newly invented terms

Technical terms
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Presents the theory-base from which concepts/variables of the study are identified
tells clearly the scope or coverage of the whole study.
identifies and helps measure the variables and show their relationships.
organizes the variables into independent, intervening and dependent variables
presents the problem in schematic diagram
Note: Please write the complete details of all the references used.

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