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Society Project Rules/Laws Document

Student Name:


1 -- Well Below Tar 2 -- Below Targe
3 -- On Target

4 -- Exceeds Target


Student did not

complete a document
describing any

Student has
completed a
document that
describes a few
rules/laws with no
thought or
explanation of the
values reflected in

Student has
completed a
document that
describes at least
five rules/laws,
along with an
explanation of the
values reflected in

Student has completed a

document that describes
more than five rules/laws,
along with a deep analysis
of how they reflect the
values of this society.
Student may have thought
and written about the
structures of this society.


The document is hard

to read and/or makes
no sense. The
handwriting and
spelling are nowhere
near what the students
is capable of.

The document is
not easy to read
and/or some parts
do not make sense.
The handwriting
and spelling are
below the students
best quality.

The document is
easy to read. The
student organized
the document to
make it neat and
clear. The
handwriting and
spelling are of the
students best

The document is easy to

read and carefully
organized. The student
may have used visual aids
to make different sections
easier to see.


The rules/laws that

student has written
are not realistic at all.
(For example:
Everyone Has to Walk
on their Hands.)

The rules/laws that

the student has
written are slightly
unrealistic. They
may be too vague.
(For example: No

The rules/laws
that the student
has written are
realistic. The
rules/laws seem
to make sense for
the size and
location of this

The rules/laws that the

student has written are
not only realistic, but the
student attempted to
make their work sound
like a true legal document.
The rules/laws make sense
for the political/economic
structure of this society.

Explanation/Ana Student has written no Student has tried to Student has

explanation for the
explain the values
written a
lysis of Values
values reflected in the reflected in the
rules/laws, but the
explanation is
shallow or shows a
of the central idea.

Student has written an

analysis that shows a high
level of understanding
explanation of the about the ways in which
values reflected in the rules/laws reflect
particular values. Student
the rules/laws,
may have considered that
showing an
understanding of some rules/laws can
reflect more than one
the central idea.

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