Reflection 2

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Week 2, Reflection 2

April 20th - 24th 2014

The focus area of observation for week nine was about classroom management. I did five
different observations with different teachers, therefore I was exposed to different
classroom management techniques. I did an observation with Ms. Gulmira and the lesson
was about using the verb to be in the past. There were many techniques used as classroom
management. For instance, what I really liked about her lesson, the way she had learners
to write their names and date if they needed to leave the classroom. As a result, it saved
time and gave them the feeling of responsibility.
As I mentioned before, applying the ideas in my teaching practice is more important than
just writing them down. Therefore, I have created a quiz for my students on socrative and
I applied it with my colleagues first then with my students.
Moreover, working with one group to read about fruit was my assigned task and it was a
beneficial experience for me as I thought about different elements of the lesson. Besides,
observing other teachers classes gave me a complete picture of how lesson are going in
the foundation classes. I prepared the activities and I was surprised with the students
communication, reaction, and production. I feel satisfied about the lesson since I
introduced the activities in a smooth way. For example, I told them about my favorite
type of fruit to put them in the context. Each student read part and then we had a little
discussion about it. I think learners need to be more exposed to the language. Thus, I will
create activity that helps them speak more.
Besides, we joined a group created by Ms. Denise as well as we created our own groups
on edmod. I have learnt how to run a quiz using different options, such as doing it as
student paced quiz or teacher paced quiz. What I liked more about edmodo that I can
share a topic with your students to think about at home and then discuss it the classroom.
As a result, learners can read about it in advance and have different ideas to talk about
which improves their speaking skill.
To sum up, Reading different parts from two different books was another way of
enhancing my knowledge about classroom management. I have found that the dynamics

of classroom behavior and managing anger in ourselves are two beneficial chapters since
I learnt how to deal with anger in ourselves, with students, and parents.


Rogers, B. (2011). 3rd ed. Classroom Behaviour: a practical guide to effective teaching,
behaviour management and colleague support. London: SAGE.
Scrivener, J., & Thornbury, S. (2012). Classroom Management Techniques. Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press.

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