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Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, and Viruses (Oh, My)!



Have nuclei

Have no nuclei

DNA is associated with protein, forming structures

called chromosomes

DNA lies free in the cytoplasm

Average cell diameter: 40 micrometers

(1000-10,000 times larger in volume)

Average cell diameter: 0.5-5 micrometers

Endoplasmic reticulum present

No endoplasmic reticulum present

Variety of organelles

Very few organelles (no separate membrane bound

compartments unless formed by infolding of the cell
surface membrane)

Cell walls may be present in plants (made of

cellulose) and in fungi (made of chitin)

Cell walls are present (made of murein, a


Viruses (20-300nm):
- Are between living and nonliving as they do not have a cell structure and can only reproduce by
infecting and taking over the protein synthesis machinery of the host cell (parasitic).
-Are made up of a self-replicating molecule of DNA or RNA which acts as its genetic code and a
protective coat of protein molecules (capsid made up of capsomeres).

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