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Bevezets az irodalomba

(Introduction to Literature)
exam at the end of the semester
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (important!!)
J.A.: Cuddon
Literary Terms&Literary Theory (import and recommanded)
Literature and Literary Studies as a Discipline:
Only Connect
motto of E.M. Foster, Howards End (1910)
used here: to represent how you make sense of texts by
establishing connections
within the text
between or among text
between texts and therir context
Connection within the text
repetition of a word, a concept, a feautre, a character, a scene,
an action, a conflict, a solution
f.ex. the phrase only connect; the world connect
straightfoward repetition;
repetition with a diferrence: vartion;
repetition by offering contrast
Connections within the text

Project Gutenberg edition of Fosters Howards End

a hypertextual, self-referential edition
concordance for connect

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