Cloutier: b.c.1544 St. Jean Baptiste, Mortagne Au Perche, Orne, France

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b.c.1544 St. Jean Baptiste, Mortagne au Perche, Orne, France

Mortagne-au-Perche, Orne


 I. Roulin- b.c.1565 St. Jean de Mortagne, m.c.1585 Martine Laigneau, d. before June 1619 Loyse,
 2II. DENIS- b.c.1565 St. Jean de Mortagne, Perche, m.1. c.1585 MARIE RENEE BRIERE (bur. 1
May 1608 St. Jean de Mortagne), 2. 3 Nov. 1608 St. Jean de Mortagne, Jeanne Rahir dite Gaultier
(b.c.1587, d. 1640 St. Jean de Mortagne), bur. 11 Dec. 1634 St. Jean de Mortagne


Parish registers for St. Jean de Mortagne


b.c.1565 St. Jean de Mortagne, Perche

m.1. c.1585 MARIE RENEE BRIERE (bur. 1 May 1608 St. Jean de Mortagne)
2. 3 Nov. 1608 St. Jean de Mortagne, Jeanne Rahir dite Gaultier (b.c.1587, d. 1640 St. Jean de Mortagne)
bur. 11 Dec. 1634 St. Jean de Mortagne

Issue- all children bpt. at St. Jean de Mortagne, Perche

 3I. ZACHARIE- bpt. Dec. 1590, m. 18 July 1616 St. Jean de Mortagne, SAINTE DUPONT (m.1. 26
Feb. 1612 Mortagne, bur. 14 July 1680 Chateau Richer), bur. 18 Sept. 1677 Chateau Richer
 II. Michel- b. 1592, m. Jeanne Commanche
 III. Renee- b. 1592, m. Claude Noe
 IV. Catherine- b. 1594, m.c.1610 Francois Noe
 V. Nicolas- b. 1598, m.c.1628 Catherine Roussel
 VI. Jacques- bpt. 15 Mar. 1601, m.1. 23 Jan. 1633 St. Jean de Mortagne, Marie Guille, 2. 17 Sept. 1643
St. Jean de Mortagne, Anne Pinguet (bur. 20 Oct. 1645 St. Jean de Mortagne), 3. 15 Jan. 1646 St. Jean de
Mortagne, Marie Cornu
 VII. Marie Claude- bpt. 17 May 1605
 VIII. Claude- bpt. 17 May 1605
 IX. Louise- bpt. 22 Feb., bur. 3 Mar. 1608 St. Jean de Mortagne
 X. Louis- bpt. 22 Feb. 1608, m. Madeleine Truchet
 XI. Leonard- bpt. 18 Oct. 1609, m. 5 Sept. 1629 St. Jean de Mortagne, Marguerite Aubry
 XII. Denis- bpt. 29 Feb., bur. 3 Mar. 1612 St. Jean de Mortagne
 XIII. Pierre- bpt. 27 Mar. 1613, m. 14 June 1639 St. Langis, Mortagne, Marie Vavasseur
 XIV. Michelle- bpt. 27 Mar. 1613, bur. 18 Aug. 1615 St. Jean de Mortagne


Parish registers for St. Jean and St. Langis, Mortagne, Chateau Richer, Quebec


bpt. Dec. 1590

m. 18 July 1616 St. Jean de Mortagne, SAINTE DUPONT (m.1. 26 Feb. 1612 Feigns, Mortagne, Michel
Lermusier, bur. 14 July 1680 Chateau Richer), d. of Paul Michel Dupont and Perrine ______, grand-

daughter of Denis Dupont and Xaintine Aubry
bur. 18 Sept. 1677 Chateau Richer

In Mortagne, on 2 Mar. 1633, the Notary Mathurin Roussel wrote an agreement which showed how
Zacharie played the peacemaker between his father and one of his brothers in a dispute concerning the
family inheritance.

On January 15, 1634, Surgeon Robert Giffard, a notable proponent of New France, was soliciting potential
emigrants when he received notice that he had been awarded the Seigneurie of Beauport from the One
Hundred Associates. Giffard had been in New France before, from 1621 to 1626 and again in 1628.
Zacharie, a master carpenter and ship wright, contracted to join the expedition to New France led by
Giffard. This contract of servitude signed by Cloutier and Jean Guyon in joinder, in favor of Giffard, was
written up by Notary Mathurin Roussel at La Rochelle, on 14 Mar. 1634. It stipulated that Giffard would
pay the passage plus food and lodging in Canada ( to the extent that the land permitted ) for Cloutier and
Guyon, plus one family member each, for a period ot three years, to date from 24 June 1634. After two
years, the two men would be allowed to send for the rest of their families, also at the expense of the
Seigneur of Beauport. Giffard agreed to give each man a few head of livestock to get started farming plus
one thousand arpents of land with the right to build on it in addition to the right to hunt, fish and trade with
the savages. He set sail from Dieppe in mid-april 1634, accompanied by his family. The fleet consisted of
four ships under the command of Duplessis-Bochard and arrived in Québec on 4 June 1634.

Zacharie helped establish the settlement at Beauport. By 22 July 1634, Master-carpenter Zacharie Cloutier
and Master-mason Jean Guyon were at work on the manor house of Robert Giffard at Beauport. They were
also working on the parish church and Fort Saint-Louis in Québec. On 3 Feb. 1637, he was granted 1000
arpents of land at Beauport, situated on the St. Lawrence River, with two-tenths of a mile of frontage on the
river, extending north for four and six-tenths miles. It is in this document that we first observe Zacharie's
signature of Zacharie "La Cloutierie" in the form of an axe, the mark of his trade. In 1641, a map made by
the engineer-surveyor Jean Bourdon shows the layout of these lands "from Kebec to Cap Tourmente ". We
may note that Zacharie's sons as well as other colonists were settled on the territory extending from the
river at Petit Pre to the river at Chiens, which became the future parish of Château-Richer. On 29 May
1644, Notary Guillaume Tronquet recorded that: "Giffard, Sieur de Beauport visited the Buisson river in
company with Jean Guyon, Zacharie Cloutier, Adrien du Chesne, Jean Bourdon and Abraham Martin" and
that he gave them the land "from this river up to the first point, running along the length of the Saint
Lawrence river." This land was sold to Nicolas Dupont on December 20, 1670 for 400 livresTournois, plus
an additional 600 livres to the children. Zacharie and his wife then went to Château-Richer to live with their
son Zacharie.

Historian Marcel Trudel reports that, things did not always go well between Seigneur Giffard and his
"habitants". On 18 Dec. 1636, the Lord of Beauport obtained a judgement against Cloutier and Guyon
concerning certain work which was due him. Then, after the division of the land, on 10 Dec. 1637
boundary disputes occured. Governor Montmagny delayed making his decision until 4 May 1642. On 2
July 1646, Giffard sued Guyon and Cloutier for refusing to render him " faith and homage " as all good
vassals, humble servants, were required to do with regard to their seigneur. On the 19th of the same month,
the Governor ordered them to comply. The two got even in their own way by refusing to present the
inventory as required from all landowners in a seigneurie. On 20 Aug. the Governor compelled the rebels to
comply once and for all. To understand them you muc remember that they had always considered Giffard
as an equal. Their pride having blinded them, they found it difficult to accept their former friend as their
superior in the hierarchy.

On 27 July 1636, Zacharie arranged for his daughter, Anne, to take a husband. This was unusual for two
reasons: The marriage contract with Robert Drouin, son of Robert and Marie Dubois, was the first of its
kind in Canada and Anne was only ten and a half years old! A stipulation in the agreement provided that,
Anne was to continue to live at home with her parents until she was thirteen. The religious ceremony took
place when Anne was eleven but, Robert had to content himself with non-conjugal visits for two more

In 1647 he marched with garlanded torches through Quebec to celebrate Fête-Dieu.

In 1651, the Cloutier family lived on Côte de la Montagne in the town of Québec. Twelve years later,
Zacharie was described as a bourgeois seigneur working as a master-carpenter. In addition to his fief of 693
arpents, he owned a lot measuring 41.4 toises (fathoms/6feet ). By this time, he was 73 years old and his
wife was 67. He also owned a lot in the lower town of Québec between those of Paschal Lemaistre and
Jean Guyon. Zacharie and Sainte were listed in the censuses for 1666 and 1667, ages 77 and 72.

The house that Zacharie built was reconstructed in 1973 and is a Provincial Heritage Site.

On 19 Jan. 1668, Zacharie assembled his children before Notary Michel Fillon and prepared an agreement
designed to minimize the difficulties which could arise from the inheritance after his and Sainte's deaths.
Once all had been settled, the children promised to assist their parents and to attend to all of their needs.
The following year, on 12 May 1669, Zacharie and Sainte made their will and moved in with their son


 I. Zacharie- bpt. 16 Aug. 1617 St. Jean de Mortagne, m. 4 Apr. 1648 St. Barthelemy, La Rochelle,
Marie Madeleine Emard (bpt. 1 Aug. 1626 St. Andre, Niort, Poitou, bur. 30 May 1708 Chateau Richer),
bur. 4 Feb. 1708 Chateau Richer
 II. Jean- bpt. 13 May 1620 St. Jean de Mortagne, m.1. c.1640, Jeanne Duval, 2. 21 Jan. 1648 Quebec,
Marie Anne Martin dite l'Escossois (bpt. 10 Apr. 1635 Quebec, bur. 26 Apr. 1699 Chateau Richer), bur. 16
Oct. 1690 Chateau Richer
 III. Saintes- b. 1622, bur. 19 Sept. 1632 St. Jean de Mortagne
 4IV. ANNE- bpt. 19 Jan. 1626 St. Jean de Mortagne, m. 12 July 1637 Notre Dame de Quebec,
ROBERT DROUIN (bpt. 16 Aug. 1607 St. Barthelemy du Pin la Garenne, Perche, m.2. 29 Nov. 1649
Notre Dame de Quebec, Marie Chapelier, bur. 1 June 1685 Chateau Richer), bur. 5 Feb. 1648 Quebec
 V. Charles- bpt. 3 May 1629 St. Jean de Mortagne, m. 20 Apr. 1659 Quebec, Louise Morin (bpt. 27
Apr. 1643 Quebec, bur. 29 Apr. 1713 Chateau Richer), bur. 7 June 1709 Chateau Richer
 5VI. LOUISE MARIE- bpt. 18 Mar. 1632 St. Jean de Mortagne, m.1. 26 Oct. 1645 Quebec, Francois
Marguerie, Sieur De La Haye (bpt. 22 Oct. 1612 St. Vincent, Rouen, bur. 10 June 1648 Quebec), 2. 10
Nov. 1648 Quebec, JEAN MIGNAULT dit CHATILLON (See MIGNAULT) (bpt. 20 Apr. 1622 St.

Jacques et Philippe de Chatillon, Paris, d. 1679 Beauport), 3. 3 Feb. 1684 Chateau Richer, Jean Pierre
Mateau (bur. 12 Feb. 1706 Chateau Richer), bur. 22 June 1699 Chateau Richer


Parish Registers for St. Jean de Mortagne, Chateau Richer, Notre Dame de Quebec, and Beauport
Our French-Canadian Ancestors- Thomas J. Laforest- Vol. 5, Ch. 6- P. 53



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