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Past Simple, Continuous, Perfect- a birthday party I remember

2. Idioms- cut corners, sit on the fence, theres an elephant in the room, drive someone uo the
wall, a sitting duck, storm in a teacup, the apple of my eye, see the big picture, think out of the box
3. Conditionals mixed questions
1. What would you have done if you had been the leader of the country during?
2. What would your second choice for a university or degree subject have been? How would your
life be different now if you had done that instead?
3. What would you have done in your last holiday if time, money etc had been no limit? How
could that have changed your life?
4. How would your life have been different if you had been born a girl/ boy?
5. How would your country be different if someone different had won the last election?
6. If you could change one thing about your body or personality, what would it be?
7. What would you do if you knew that the world was going to be hit by a comet and destroyed in
one week?
8. How would you have made a success rather than a failure?
9. What things could make you emigrate?
10. What would you do if you saw a UFO?
11. If you could change three things about the world today, what would you change?
12. How would you have designed your city/ your office building/ this building differently?
13. What object would you choose to be buried with (if practical things like size werent
14. If your house was on fire and you could only take one object, which would it be?
4. Expressions with BODY PARTS: give me a hand, heading for...., big-headed, shake hands,
have a good head for..., to have your hands full, have a heart of gold, a heart-to-heart talk, my
hearts not in it

5. Present Perfect
be in hospital

visit a Scandinavian country

be seasick

be to the USA

be to a circus

have your name in a newspaper

stay up the whole night

have a penfriend
sing in a musical
sing karaoke

eat goats cheese

act in a play
speak to someone from Wales or Scotland
dream about something that actually happened later

fail a test or an exam

save somebodys life

meet a famous person

be terrified by a book or film

try to smuggle something through Customs after a

win money in a competition

make a speech in public

break someones bone

6. Irregular verbs- make a story

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