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Weight Distribution Calculations in ShipWeight

The following attempts to describe how weight distribution is calculated in

ShipWeight. In general, ShipWeight approximates the distribution for each individual
weight item to either a uniform, triangular or trapezoid distribution. These individual
items are then added together making up the total accurate distribution. The
accurate distribution can be converted to a distribution of stations or bars.
Consider the following weight items:




















In ShipWeight, the distribution of these items will individually be represented like this:

When ShipWeight calculates its accurate distribution, the items are added together.
Compare the colors in the individual representations with the colors of the accurate
representation to locate each weights items contribution to the total curve.

The user may choose to represent this curve in stations. ShipWeight calculates the
stations by dividing the accurate curve into the number of stations to be plotted.
Each share of the accurate curve is integrated giving the area under the curve
between the stations. Next this area will be represented by a station or bar with the
same area as the curve area it replaces.
This secures a one to one relationship in area between the accurate curve and the
station curve. Further, this means that the area contribution from individual items
which distribution is covering more than one station will be split into appropriate parts
in each station. This secures the best possible conversion between accurate and
station curve.
See figure on next page representing the station version of the curve. Again, the
colors will help compare the curves to visually inspect how conversion takes place.

In both cases, the area under the distribution curve equals 20 tons. The figure below
shows the accurate curve drawn in red with the station curve superimposed and
drawn in green. This shows how the curve is transformed and the area preserved.

Of course, the same reasoning is also valid with any other number of stations, not
just 10. The figures below shows same principles for the distribution curves as
discussed above, only this time with a 20 station curve.

Exporting weight distribution

Pushing the Print/Export button in the dialog makes it possible to send the curve to a
printer or file, either graphically or numerically. It is also possible to export the weight
curves in formats to be read by GHS, Tribon, NAPA and AutoShip.

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