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XXXII Encontro de Fsicos do Norte e Nordeste / ID: 307-1 [FUN]

On the Heisenberg Algebra and Group Representations with Applications to Quantum

Daykson N. Possidonio,Ilane G. Oliveira, Laura Cristina R. Goulart, Ronaldo S. Thibes, Nemesio M.
UESB - BA - Brasil

It is well known that the Heisenberg algebra and group play a crucial hole in modern theoretical physics, both
in classical and quantum mechanics. In the classical version the canonical variables, via Poisson brackets, close
a Lie algebra defined in the phase space while a general polynomial function belongs to the universal algebra.
After the quantization process, the corresponding algebraic structures show up as linear representations acting
on the Hilbert space of the theory. We relate the classification of linear representations of the Heinsenberg
algebra with the physical interpretations, where hermitian operators are associated to observers. Particularly we
investigate the possibility of finite dimensional representations, discussing the unitarity issue, with applications
to the harmonic oscillator in both the bosonic and fermionic cases. In the case of finite dimension, we present
explicity matrix expressions for the creation and annihilation operators, imposing specific cut off conditions for
obtaining a finite spectrum for the Hamiltonian. We proceed to generalized Heisenberg algebras, depending
on a deformation parameter q. We analyse conditions for determining the physical spectrum of the theory
by recurrence relations, when possible applications to the q-generalized quantum oscillator are signalized. By
exponentiating the generators of the algebra we obtain the corresponding group acting in the Hilbert space.

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