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Ocotober 5, 2015
Looking Back on Last Week

In case you didnt hear Zero the Hero stopped by again! Mrs. Leet brought
us a bag that she found when she came to school! We wonder if we will ever
see him?! He stopped by to celebrate the 30th day of school! :)

Jesus Time - We read the story of Jacob and Esau. Jacob told a lie and got

the blessing from his father. Since his brother, Esau, was so angry with him he
ran away! Jacob dreamed of angels walking up and down a ladder from

heaven. God promised him that he would be the father of many. God turned
a bad thing into good just like He does in our lives.

Math - We made a picture graph of our favorite OREOS, acted out math
stories, described and compared circles and rectangles.

Language Arts - We are working hard on segmenting words and blending the
sounds together to make words. This is hard work BUT we get better every
day! We made our last entry into our September Journal and are ready to

begin our October Journal. We read the book, Peters Chair, and talked about
the beginning, middle and end.

Science - we learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin and an apple. We

read books and did activities and discovered that it is the same cycle for both
apples and pumpkins!

The highlight of our week was our trip to Thies Pumpkin Farm! It was a blast!
We even got to see pumpkin flowers, a couple of little green pumpkins and
orange pumpkins on the vines!

Looking Forward to this Week

Hearing the story of Joseph and his brothers and how again God
used a bad situation to make good things happen.

Using the numbers 1 through 5 and finding the missing number and
match them to a set, using 3 attributes to describe a shape, and
using a graph to record data and then identify the most and
fewest and compare those amounts.

Continue our work on segmenting and blending sounds, read the

big book, What Do You Do?, learn a new sight word and work with
all of our sight words.

Talking about CCLS-U We will have a special guest to tell us about

this special mission opportunity! We will write letters to new
friends in Uganda!

AND we will talk about how we can help all the

students at CCLS-U by bringing medical items to school and how we

can help one student!

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