A. Introduction

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1 Police Protection


This section discusses police protection within the project area. Sources of information used in
preparation of this section include: coordination with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), the
LAPD Web site, and the Safety Element of the City of Los Angeles General Plan.

1. Environmental Setting

The project site is located on Andora Avenue in the southwest section of Chatsworth. The project site is
located within the jurisdiction of the LAPD. The Devonshire Community Police Station is located about
7 miles from the project site and covers over 53 square miles with a population of approximately 240,000.
The Devonshire Community Police Station has 279 officers that include patrol and detective personnel. In
2008 there were 330 violent crimes and 3,019 property crimes committed in the Devonshire Area for a
total of 3,349 violent and property related reported crimes.1


As stated in the City of Los Angeles General Plan Framework Element, primary police law enforcement
services are provided by the LAPD and supplemental services are provided by the Los Angeles County
Sheriff, the California Highway Patrol, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Drug
Enforcement Administration.2

All law enforcement agencies within the State of California are organized and operate with the applicable
provisions of the California Penal Code. This code sets forth the authority, rules of conduct and training
for peace officers. Under state law, all sworn municipal and county officers are state peace officers.

The County of Los Angeles is required by state law to organize a formal mutual agreement between all
police departments within its jurisdiction. This agreement is set forth in the Mutual Aid Operations Plan
for Los Angeles County. The Mutual Aid Operations Plan provides a structure of response should an
emergency in the City of Los Angeles arise that requires immediate response by more law enforcement
personnel than would be available to the City of Los Angeles Police Department using all available

1 Violent crimes include homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assaults. property crimes include burglary,
grand theft auto, and personal or other theft. (Los Angeles Police Department. COMPSTAT Devonshire Area
Profile. http://www.lapdonline.org/assets/pdf/devprof.pdf. August 2009.)
2 City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning, The Framework Element of the Los Angeles General Plan,
http://cityplanning.lacity.org/cwd/framwk/chapters/09/09.htm#police. Accessed October 2009.
Los Angeles Department of City Planning IV.I.1-1 Andora Avenue Subdivision – Tentative Tract No. 53426
Impact Sciences, Inc. (0947.002) Subsequent Draft EIR
February 2010
IV.I.1 Police Protection


1. Significance Criteria


The 2006 L.A. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Thresholds Guide indicates that the
determination of a project’s significance to police protection shall be made on a case-by-case basis,
considering the following factors:

POL-1 The population increase resulting from the proposed project, based on the net increase of
residential units or square footage of non-residential floor area;

POL-2 The demand for police services anticipated at the time of project build out compared to the
expected level of service available. Consider, as applicable, scheduled improvements to LAPD
services, (facilities, equipment, and officers) and the project’s proportional contribution to the
demand; and

POL-3 Whether the project includes security and/or design features that would reduce the demand for
police services.

Project Impacts

Impacts related to police are considered significant if:

POL-1 The population increase resulting from the proposed project, based on the net increase of
residential units or square footage of non-residential floor area.

POL-2 The demand for police services anticipated at the time of project build out compared to the expected
level of service available. Consider, as applicable, scheduled improvements to LAPD services,
(facilities, equipment, and officers) and the project’s proportional contribution to the demand.

The development of the project would increase the project site’s population by approximately
119 persons that would be served by the LAPD. Currently, the Devonshire Community Police Station
provides services for a total population of approximately 240,000 persons. With the introduction of
119 new residents, this would represent a 0.05 percent increase in population over existing conditions.
However, because the population increase due to the project would be less than 1 percent of the total
regional population, the project would have a less than significant impact on police protection services.

Los Angeles Department of City Planning IV.I.1-2 Andora Avenue Subdivision – Tentative Tract No. 53426
Impact Sciences, Inc. (0947.002) Subsequent Draft EIR
February 2010
IV.I.1 Police Protection

Impacts related to police are considered significant based on:

POL-3 Whether the project includes security and/or design features that would reduce the demand for
police services.

The proposed project would be designed to provide security lighting that would ensure a secure
environment for project residents. Impacts would be less than significant.

2. Mitigation Measures

No impacts to police services were identified and, therefore, no mitigation measures are necessary.


The proposed project would result in an increase in residential land uses within LAPD’s Devonshire
service area. As discussed in Section III, Project Description, additional related projects are proposed
and/or planned within the project vicinity. Both the project and other planned and approved
developments throughout the City could cumulatively increase the need for services from the LAPD.
This demand would be met by increases in law enforcement staffing and equipment as needed, which
would be funded by increased revenues from the increased tax base and motor vehicle registration fees
paid by project residents. Moreover, each project is subject to review by the LAPD to ensure that
adequate access, visibility, and security are provided. Therefore, the project would not contribute to any
significant cumulative impacts to police services.

1. Mitigation Measures

No impacts to police services were identified and, therefore, no mitigation measures are necessary.

2. Adverse Effects

No impacts to police services would occur with implementation of the proposed project.

Los Angeles Department of City Planning IV.I.1-3 Andora Avenue Subdivision – Tentative Tract No. 53426
Impact Sciences, Inc. (0947.002) Subsequent Draft EIR
February 2010

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