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Survival Guide & syllabus

Welcome to Chemistry at CHAH with Mrs. Purisic! I am so excited to get our year started in an
efficient and productive manner. Richard Sheridan, an Irish playwright said the surest way
not to fail is to determine to succeed. So first is first. We are all going to determine to succeed.

My name is ___________________________, and I am determined to succeed in

chemistry class, in high school and in the rest of my life.

Now, we can be sure we cannot fail. Success

starts right here.

Regents Chemistry
Community Health Academy of the Heights
Mrs. Purisic
2015-2016 School Year
Room 317

Choices and Outcomes

Life offers us many choices. The people with most choices and freedom are the people who
have POWER. The best way to gain power is to be educated and knowledgeable about the
world, your community and about yourself. With this knowledge and self-awareness you
can help yourself and your community. You will be a leader and you will be successful.



What do you think the graphic above represents?


Classroom Expectations

Some other norms in this classroom

Finish all your food and beverages before you enter

the classroom.
If you open a bottle of anything or eat
anything in the classroom, I do have to throw
it out in the garbage for your safety.
Chewing gum is prohibited.
Late assignments will not be accepted for credit, but I will give you feedback if you
complete it and turn it in.
Accepted if you were absent and if you write ABSENT on top of your paper
Distractions such as cells phones should be left at home or in your lockers.
First violation and you will get your phone back at the end of the period.
Multiple violations and your phone will be handed over to admin or dean.
Everyone comes to class prepared with writing utensils, binder, homework etc.

Grading System
This year, we will be using JumpRope
( the online grading system for our
classroom, through which you will be able to track all
your grades including checking for any missed
assignments or tests. Your grade comes from the
following areas:
Knowledge of Skills
Character Traits
(see below)


You will be graded on a four point scale and you will be graded on every skill required for
each unit. For example, a sample skill you may see on your JumpRope account is I can
calculate percent error. Your final grade will be an average of all the skills required for the
semester. The conversion chart of what this may look like on a transcript is as follows:

4- point




General Description
Below Standard
College Ready
College Ready
College Ready
College Ready
College Ready
College Ready
Exceeding Standard
Exceeding Standard
Exceeding Standard
Exceeding Standard
Exceeding Standard
Making Progress IEP, Beginner or
Intermediate ELL

Character Traits (10%)

I can show self-control.

Monthly grade on classroom behavior.

I am punctual.

I am on time to class and with homework assignments

I am prepared.

I am prepared with homework, pre-labs and notebook checks

I am accountable.

I made up work from being absent

I show grit.

I answered every question on an assignment

Laboratory Requirement
New York State requires that each student have 1,200 minutes (20 hours) of laboratory
time with documented lab reports to sit for the Chemistry Regents exam. Labs will be
handwritten in composition note books and I highly recommend that they stay in the
classroom whenever possible. You will have lab write-ups and pre-lab assignments
which can be done after school or at home. Remember, if you decide to do it at home,
your lab notebook MUST be brought back as proof for the Regents exam.
Because you are being graded on skills individually this year, you will only need to retake questions for the skill that you need extra help on. There will be a final re-take at
the end of each of the two semesters that you may prepare for, if you didnt do well
on a test, a skill, or a variety of skills. The final will be optional and will require you to
come in to tutoring and complete all worksheets.

There will be homework almost every night, and it will be due the following day unless
otherwise stated by Mrs. P. This is to ensure enough practice to not only pass your Regents
and earn mastery, but to prepare you for college. As you enter the classroom, you will place
your homework in your assigned bin and go directly to your assigned seat.
If you are absent, you are responsible to make up the missed homework assignments. The
assignments you missed are due the day AFTER you return to school, and you must write
absent on top of your paper, so that you may receive the credit!
Late homework will not be accepted for credit, but I will look at it and give you a grade so
that you can learn.

Systems & Procedures

Entering the classroom

Line up single file in the hallway against the wall until the teacher greets you.
Quickly and quietly, hand in your homework and go to your assigned seat
Begin working on the Catalyst (Do Now) independently and silently


The bell does not dismiss you, the teacher does.


Use the bathroom before school and during lunch, NOT during class time.
Only permitted after you have completed independent practice.


We have to respect our classroom, the students who use it after us, and the
custodians who are not our maids.
All trash is to be disposed of appropriately. (at the end of the period in the trash can)


If you are absent grab the missing notes and homework from the cabinet
If you dont understand something SEE ME at the end of the school day.

Fire Drills or other emergencies

Immediately stop what you are doing.

Listen and respond to all directions
Act quietly.

Mandatory Materials

College-ruled paper for your binder

1 5-pack of dividers for sections:
o Notes,
o Homework
o Tests & quizzes,
o Worksheets,
o Paperwork (rubrics, chem success
guide, lab papers etc)
Plenty of pens AND pencils
1 Composition Notebook
Reference Table

Units for the Year

First Semester (September January)


Chemistry Matters
Anatomy of an Atom
Periodic Table
Chemical Bonding
Nuclear Chemistry

Second Semester (February June)


Physical Behavior of Matter

Kinetics and Equilibrium
Acids and Bases
Organic Chemistry

Communication & Tutoring

Email is the best way to reach me ( and I will respond within one
hour most of the time.
Tutoring Hours
TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS 8:00 8:45 a.m. (Walk-ins welcome)
Additional availability by appointment.

Student Contract and Agreement

As a chemistry student at CHAH, it is my responsibility to complete all work on time,
follow all classroom expectations, seek help when I need it, bring in all required
materials and again SEEK HELP when I need it.
By singing below, I certify that I have read, understood and agree with all the terms,
expectations and requirements of me as a student listed above in the success guide. I
also understand that my first homework assignment of the year is to sign and date below
and also require my parent to sign and date below.
Full Name (printed)

Todays Date

Full Name (signed)

Parent Contract and Agreement

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please take the time to review and agree to all the terms outlined for your child in the
Chemistry Success Guide. As a parent, I agree to intervene along with the teacher in
the form of phone call communication and in-school meetings if expectations are not
being met.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions through e-mail
( and please fill in your phone number, e-mail, and the best time to
reach you throughout the week below.
Full Name (printed)

Todays Date

Full Name (signed)

Relationship to Student

Can I send you text messages? (circle one)

(_____) _____-________
Phone Number

YES or

The best time to call me is: ________________________

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