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Whereas _____________________________ (hereinafter referred to as Corporation) desires to borrow money in

order to ____________________________, it is hereby

RESOLVED, that ___________________________, the President of the Corporation be hereby authorized to act
on behalf of said Corporation to borrow the sum of _______________________ dollars ($____________) from
____________________ (hereinafter referred to as Bank) on the terms set out in the loan instrument attached to
the minutes of this meeting, it is

FURTHER RESOLVED that said President is authorized to sign and execute the loan instrument document and
whatever other documents as necessary or required by said Bank to evidence indebtedness of Corporation to
Bank; and the Secretary of the Corporation is to provide said Bank with a certified copy of these resolutions.

The undersigned, ___________________________, certifies that he or she is the duly appointed Secretary of
__________________________ Corporation and that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly
adopted at a meeting of the directors thereof, convened and held in accordance with law and the Bylaws of said
Corporation on _________________, 19_____, and that such resolution is now in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have affixed my name as Secretary of _________________ Corporation and have
attached the seal of ________________________ Corporation to this resolution.

Dated: ______________________



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