2011-May-10 Epa Sends Bia Docs Re Pine View Estate Sewer

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RE: Pineview Data

Aaron Setran to: Krause, John

05/10/2011 01:08 PM

Bcc: Aaron Setran

I only received one copy of the docs related to Pineview. Rather than hold this process up, I sent the
single copy to you today via overnight, and will get a second copy to you later in the week. Please forward
the first copy to your contractor so they can get started on the review. Thanks, Aaron
Aaron Carr Setran
U.S. EPA, Water Division
75 Hawthorne St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 972-3457

"Krause, John" ---05/06/2011 04:00:12 PM---Aaron: Please send both boxes to me.

"Krause, John" <John.Krause@bia.gov>


Aaron Setran/R9/USEPA/US@EPA


05/06/2011 04:00 PM


RE: Pineview Data

Please send both boxes to me.
From: Setran.Aaron@epamail.epa.gov [mailto:Setran.Aaron@epamail.epa.gov]
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 11:42 AM
To: Krause, John
Cc: Albright.David@epamail.epa.gov; Campbell.Rich@epamail.epa.gov
Subject: Pineview Data

I submitted documents related to the engineering at Pineview Estates to our copy-center......copies should
be ready early next week. I'm making you two (2) sets, one for you and one for your contractor. Q: Do
you want me to send both sets to you, or one to you and one directly to your contractor? If the latter, I'll
need the contact info for your contractor. Thanks, Aaron
Aaron Carr Setran
U.S. EPA, Water Division
75 Hawthorne St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 972-3457

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