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NAME: ______________________________________________________________ DATE: Tuesday October 14th, 2014.

OIL ENGINEERING - GROUP: ___________________

You must download the audio 1 that will be sent to you in the Chatroom (Whatsapp group) and then listen to it as
many times as possible in order to fill in the missing information in the following text.
The student stimulates his listening skills as well as learns new vocabulary to reinforce grammar structures.

Knowing the ___________________ of ______________________ can help us detect it so as to receive

Due to the kidneys being located in ____________________, the pain in this area is sometimes
confused with _____________________.
A symptom of kidney disease is the pain in the ________________________.
Changes in _____________________ or _________________________ products in the body seem to
be symptoms of kidney failure.
Changes we can observe are more or less ____________________ than usual, which is
_________________ or bubbly, feeling excess _________________ when urining, _______________
and ________________ in urine, _________________ in urine which is usually only detected through a

Because he kidney loses the ability to make urine, fluid _______________________ in the body.
Sometimes, these fluids are confused with ____________________ or ______________________.
There are other symptoms that include __________________ in the face, _____________ and
_____________ as well as ___________________ because of fluids in the ___________________.
Other symptoms of kidney disease are probably the result of a __________________ of waste in which
____________________, ammonia ___________________, ___________________ and vomiting, as
well as ____________________ of ___________________.

Teacher Martha Bocanegra

Not wanting to eat meat and strong flavours, __________________ concentrating, feeling
________________, feeling ______________________.
Being ___________________ is a symptom of kidney disease due to being _____________________.
When _____________________ are damaged, they can no longer make a ____________________
which helps the body make _________________________ cells.
Because of this, enough ____________________ doesnt get to all cells of the body, causing
_______________, which results in _____________________ and ____________________.
In case, weve got these symptoms and think it could be kidney disease, it is highly recommended that
we go to the doctor so as to have a _________________________.
When it comes to chronic kidney disease, this ________________________ is important due to the
steps we must take in order to help for _____________________ and ____________________ or
__________________ kidney failure.

Teacher Martha Bocanegra

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