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PPE 310: Self-Assessment

Alli Ordaz
PPE 310: Health Literacy in Schools
Self-Assessment and Reflection
Arizona State University
October 4, 2015

PPE 310: Self-Assessment

South Mountain High school in the phoenix unified school district does provide a healthy
and safe environment. Certain scores vary according to McConnells text on page 388 however
for the most I have been satisfied with my school throughout my internship. South Mountain
provides a welcoming environment where student comradery is high as well as school spirit
which is due to the friendly and professional staff. According to McConnell, Corbin, and Farrar
the self-assessment on page 388 illustrates a sufficient guideline for what schools should be
meeting in term of health and safety, Nutrition and physical activity services, and then the last
part- the interview gaging students engagement in regards to the school itself.
For part 1 South Mountain scored a 14 out of 18. South Mountain falters on the campus
being kept clean and bright (McConnell, p. 388)- now I am not too sure how bright is meant to
be used in this context, however being at the school I can assess that there have been moments
where it has not been the cleanest. Now, the second part that South Mountain falters is the fact
that the school does not provide help to those who want to quit smoking. Now, of course South
Mountain has safeguards in place for tobacco use and drug dependency but so far I have not seen
anything, visually, where there is some type of counseling or a hotline provided.
For part 2 South Mountain scored a 10 out of 12. South Mountain does a pretty solid job
at maintaining healthy attitudes, providing healthy tips, and a healthy environment as far as the
cafeteria goes. South Mountain only lost points when it came to not requiring students take
health education- now to me this did not include Sex Education; I would think that this means
other classes on health- so this score could change. Now the school does also provide healthy
and low-fat foods but does still have vending machines at the school- so that is another score that
could vary.
Part is the interview portion and illustrates the interview I conducted with my student
Kourtney Morales. Kourtney is a 17 years old and she is a junior, in one of my English Honors
courses. The questions are from page 388 in the Health For Life text.
Q: As a member of your school, are you involved in at least one club or organization at
A. I was when I was a freshman and a sophomore, however this year has been a lot busier
for me, so Im not in any clubs or organizations. I cant find the time and I am really tired
at the end of the school day.

PPE 310: Self-Assessment

Q: Do you feel comfortable at school- like safe?
A. Yeah I do. I meanI get to school really early because both my parents work and so Im
here, already, around 7:30 and then school doesnt get out until around 3so I would
hope I feel pretty safe and comfortable because most my day is spent here.
Q: Do you feel connected to school- do you have a lot of school pride?
A. mmmI would say yes to that too because we do have a lot of spirit weeks- and those
are so much fun. My friends and I always get dressed up and its fun to like be at school,
like in your pajamas and stuff. Also, we have really big and loud assemblies where
everyone gets really pumped up.
Q: Do you feel safe from violence or bullying?
A. I have never been bullied here at this school and I feel like thats due to having like
security guards everywhere and theres like a lot of posters like in all my teachers room
like that are anti bullying and stuff. I know you can get in a lot of trouble. But yeah I feel
safe from that.
Q: If you ever feel stressed, or depressed, or have anxiety is there a place where you can get
help for that stuff?
A. Wellthank goodness I have never felt that way, except for being a little stressed here
and there because junior year has been pretty hard but yeah I usually go to my
Q: Are you physically active everyday?
A. I am because a lot of times if my parents dont drive me to school I walk and then I walk
back home. I played sports before but this year I am really busy and dont have time but
you can always work out after school too like you can just go into the gym- like open gym
and stuff, which thats nice.
Q: Now, do you consider yourself healthy or do you make healthy food choices most of the

PPE 310: Self-Assessment

A. Well a lot of the food I eat has to deal with my culture because I am Hispanic so its
probably not the healthiest food, but I do drink lots of water.
Part 3 total score: ___14___
South Mountain in regards to the student interview scores and ranks at a 100% which is great!

PPE 310: Self-Assessment

McConnell, K. E., Corbin, C. B., Corbin, D. E., & Farrar, T. D. (2014). Health for Life: Includes
student web resources. Champaign: Human Kinetics
Morales, K. (2015, September 28). South Mountain High School: A Healthy School Community?
[Personal interview].

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