Assignment 1 K Galfos

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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Kelsey l Galfo

Assignment 1: Information Literacy

1. What We Talk About When We Talk About Ad Blocking
2. This article discusses Ad blocking on the internet. Ad blocking has
become more and more popular over the years, with a major jump
starting in 2013. Ad blocking is disliked for different reasons. Some
people feel the ads are an annoyance, other believe its a security
violation because the ads are often custom to what the user likes. As
Ad blocking grows it is affecting companies in different ways. They are
now working on ways around the ad blocking software, along with
trying to find the middle ground of advertising and blocking to keep all
involved happy,
3. Use of Ad Blocking is on the Rise and The Ad blocking controversy
Keywords: Ad Blocker + Article
Search Engines: Google & Yahoo
Compare: The search results were similar to each other, I personally
preferred Googles results for the clear reason that they were more
currents and recent sites.
4. 1. This article was written on September 12, 2015 and has not been
2. Yes this relates well to my topic of Ad Blocking.
3. The article was written by Anthony Ha who is qualified to write this
article. He has been in the writing/technology area for a while even
serving on different boards. I found this information on the biography
about him.
4. Yes this information is trustworthy, it is supported by different
studies and research.
5. The Purpose of this article is to be informative. It discusses Ad
blocking, what it is, how its grown and changed and who it effects.

5. Internet Ad + Blocking, ProQuest: ABI/INFORM Complete. I choose this

database because it seemed broad and to have a large database, both
which were a great fit for the topic of ad blocking.

Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Kelsey l Galfo

6. Comparing these two articles, one from the internet and one journal
article they share difference and similarities. The internet article was
much easier to access, and more current. Both articles seem to be
official and trustworthy. The journal article does seem more official,
partially because of its location. The journal article also includes more
specific information and documentation. I feel both or reliable articles
and would use either for a paper source.
7. MLA
Works Citied
Ha, Anthony. "What We Talk About When We Talk About
Ad Blocking.TechCrunch. 12 Sept.
2015. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.
Hayley, Tsukayama, Ad blocking on the rise, and that may hurt consumers as
well as
Businesses. The Washington Post. ProQuest.10 August 2015. Web. 24
September 2015.
Hill, Kashmir. "Use Of Ad Blocking Is On The Rise." Forbes. Forbes Magazine,
21 Aug. 2013.
Web. 24 Sept. 2015.
Seitz, Patrick. Ad Blocking Surges, Threatens Ad-Supported Web. Investors
Business Daily.
00-01. ProQuest.11 August 2015 Web. 24 September 2015.
Yglesias, Matthew. "The Ad Blocking Controversy, Explained." Vox. VoxMeida,
18 Sept. 2015.
Web. 24 Sept. 2015.

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