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Sara Husi



Tiered unit (Differentiated by Readiness)

Name and student number: Sara Husi 2138602
Unit Overview
Curriculum Area
Year level: Reception

ACMMG006 Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is


longer, heavier or holds more, and explain reasoning in everyday



Auditory processing problems

Sensory processing issues
Hearing impairment

ilities in your

As a result of engaging with the unit the students will compare

standard ACARA

objects using mass, length and capacity.


Students will understand that objects can be compared in different


ways using a variety of language.

know, understand

Students will know the language to use when comparing objects.

and do

Students will be able to compare objects by sight and feel.

open ended - the
Big Idea

What students should understand

How can differences in two objects be compared?

Why would we compare objects?

See Appendix 1
See Explanatory notes for reasoning

Readiness Task
Overview of unit

Pre-assessment task done as a group with questions read to

lesson 1

students, explaining that it doesnt matter if they dont know the

answer. Introduction of words and concepts that will be used

lesson 2

throughout unit with use of objects in the classroom.

Comparing lengths & height; examining the words
tallest/shortest/longest and comparing objects using this language.
Make different height towers and then find objects in the room that
are, shorter/longer/taller than the object the teacher has.

Sara Husi
lesson 3



In continuing on with length and height introduce new vocabulary

thicker/thinner/ wider/narrower and use objects to demonstrate

lesson 4

these. Build objects and compare them to others.

Revisit words for length and height and then introduce capacity
which container holds more and holds less. Look at empty

lesson 5

containers to begin with big and small and discuss.

Continue on with capacity is a container full, empty or is it the fullest
or emptiest. Use containers from the previous lesson explore which

lesson 6

container holds more, then talk about which is fullest or emptiest.

Explore the concepts of objects being heavy or light - begin with 2
extremes bowling ball and feather and discuss how we can tell
which one is heavier. Discuss heavy and light objects and how we

lesson 7

can tell if they are heavy or light.

Continue on with mass and explore vocabulary of heavier, heaviest,
lighter and lightest. Show objects that are similar in size though
different weights, let them feel different object and discover objects

lesson 8

that are bigger but also lighter.

Revisit all concepts and vocabulary learnt and ensure understanding
- show pictures in books and on smart board and ask how they
would compare them and why then ask which is tallest/shortest,

lesson 9

etc. Discuss why we would compare objects.

Hands on activity with different stations for comparing objects that
are longer, heavier or hold more. Use string, blocks, rulers, books,

lesson 10

jars, liquid, rice and objects found in the classroom.

Summative assessment do an activity in comparing height,
capacity and mass. Have objects set out and pictures of them on a
sheet where they record their answers.



Lesson Plan
Year Level: Reception (Foundation)


Students will understand that the length and height of an object can be



for this

Students will know the language shorter/taller/longer when comparing

Sara Husi






Students will be able make a comparison of height and length between

two objects.


Which object is shorter/taller/longer?


How do you know it is shorter/taller/longer?

2 of 10
Length of lesson: 40 mins


Comparing lengths & height

1 whole class:
Discuss the words; tallest, shortest, longest what do the students
think these mean?
Draw lines vertically on the smart board and ask them which one is
the longest, which is the shortest? How do they know?
Draw lines horizontally on the smart board and ask them which one
is the tallest, which is the shortest? How do they know? Introduce
words taller, shorter and longer used to describe objects in
between. Discuss difference between length and height. Discuss
who is the tallest and shortest in the classroom.
Demonstrate using unifex cubes to make 2 towers of different
heights and explain which one is shorter and longer, ask students to
complete the same activity.
Observe students completing this activity (encourage those that
find it easiest to make three and describe their order), this along
with pre assessment task will indicate which tier they should be in.
2 activity, introduce the tiers:
Hold an object such as a ruler - Ask students first to find an object
that is shorter, discuss their findings, then ask them to find an
object that is longer, discuss findings- talk about how they know
and how they could measure the difference if they couldnt
compare exactly (use string as a tool).
Explain they are all going to be working on a piece of paper doing a
similar task in the classroom; they will be finding objects and
ordering them. Hand out tasks and start them off in their tier groups
so if further explanation is needed you can talk to each group.
Encourage students to work together and move around the
classroom to compare objects by sight, feel or using a piece of
string cut to an objects length.
Leave words shortest, taller, tallest, etc. with images on whiteboard
so the words are recognised as the same as the sheet refer to
whiteboard if words are confusing.
Help each group as needed and work with them for sections they
find difficult, encourage them if they have grasped the
understanding to fill in the empty boxes on their own.
3 whole class debrief:
Come back to the floor as a class and discuss which objects they
found in the room; how they knew they were shorter, taller or
longer. Question how they came to these answers and give
feedback on their understanding.
Play a simple smart board activity on length and height to cement
Do a thumbs up, down, sideways check on if they think they
understand prior to finishing lesson, if there are a few hands up for

content or
outline of
Using the
from your
task design a
lesson based
on different
levels of

tasks to be
attached as

Sara Husi



Check for

not understanding ask what they are confused about to target this
next lesson.
Informal check for understanding of thumbs up, down or sideways (ensure


next lesson is more formal with exit cards as it ties into this lesson).

tactile and

Smart board for entire class to introduce concept

Speaker system for child with hearing impairment
Toys, scented objects for child with sensory processing issues
Clear, simple step by step instructions for child with auditory
processing problems

See Appendices 2, 3 & 4 for tiering activity sheets

Unifex cubes for building towers
Pencils for drawing objects and classroom objects for comparison.

Ensure student with hearing impairment either has hearing aid in

and on, speaker system and microphone is on or they are sitting
close facing the teacher.
Ensure student with sensory processing issues has access to his
toys or objects needed to calm his senses and is able to take time
out from the task to move about if needed.
Ensure students with Auditory processing problems are sitting close
facing the teacher, ensure they have heard and understood
instructions clearly- if they do not understand go over it with the

al supports
what have
you had to
change to

Sara Husi



Explanatory notes not to exceed 1 page (size 12 font, Calibri)

The above lesson and unit plan for reception students on the
mathematical concepts of mass, capacity and length has been
differentiated according to students readiness. Differentiation according
to students readiness means it is a close match for their skills and
understanding of a topic (Tomlinson, 2001 p. 45). We gauge a students
readiness by doing pre-assessments (diagnostic) before beginning a topic
to check prior knowledge, detect misconceptions and level of skill, which
guides planning for differentiation (Tomlinson & McTighe, 2006). It is also
important to continue observing the student and their work throughout a
topic as a students readiness is only relevant to that point in time,
therefore is fluid and can change as the persons understanding and skills
develop (Jarvis, 2013). A lesson or unit can be differentiated according to
readiness through content, process and product (Tomlinson, 2001). The
above lesson has been differentiated through product how students show
what they know (Tomlinson, 2001, p.51) as can be evidenced through the
tiered nature of one of the activities. The tiering allows students to
complete the same task though some tiers give more scaffolding and
structure to the students that may not quite understand the concept as
well as others.
In the above lesson plan inclusion of all students is sought after through
tiered product differentiation as well as catering to specific learning needs
in the classroom. The goal of this lesson and unit on measurement is not
that every child reaches a certain level, instead that each child makes
considerable progress in their learning from their starting point (Jarvis,
2013 & Tomlison, 2003). Each child will do a pre-assessment, to determine
their starting point and understanding of the concepts of the unit about to
be taught, these are ungraded and mainly for the teacher to adapt their
teaching to fit all students needs (Tomlinson & McTighe, 2006). Formative
assessments will ensure how well students understand the information
being taught; these can be informal or formal and as simple as the lesson
above demonstrates with a self-assessment of thumbs up, down or
sideways for gauging understanding (Tomlinson & McTighe, 2006). Finally
all students will complete a summative assessment; this assessment task
will be relevant to the unit and the students and can be differentiated to
meet students learning styles to determine how far they have progressed
to uncover their understanding. As well as assessments, feedback
throughout each lesson and the entire unit is vital. Timely, relevant, clear
and task oriented feedback will reduce uncertainty and aid understanding
of the concept (Hattie, 2012).
This unit has been created in line with the Australian Curriculum
Foundation Year Mathematics Achievement Standard and one specific
content descriptor ACMMG006 (ACARA, 2015). The Australian Curriculum

Sara Husi
provides the content and aims though must still be organised into a set of
clear objectives with meaningful, respectful learning and assessment
tasks (Jarvis, 2013 & Tomlison, 2003). The learning task of this unit would
be meaningful and relevant to students as they are comparing classroom
objects and practising the language that they will be using in everyday life
at school and home. The assessment task in the lesson is simple though
meaningful as it allows a student to self-assess their level of

Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority, (2015). Mathematics
Foundation to Year 10 Curriculum by rows - The Australian
Curriculum v7.3. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2015].
Hattie, J. (2012). Flow of the lesson: the place of feedback, in J.
Hattie, Visible learning for teachers: maximizing impact on
learning (pp. 115-137). London; Routledge.
Jarvis, J. M. (2013). Differentiating learning experiences for diverse
students. In P. Hudson (Ed.), Learning to teach in the primary school
(pp.52-70). Port Melbourne, Vic.: Cambridge University Press.
Tomlinson, C. A. (2003). Deciding to teach them all. Educational
Leadership, 61(2), 6-11.
Tomlinson, C.A. (2001) The How To's of planning lessons differentiated by
readiness. In C.A. Tomlinson, How to differentiate instruction in
mixed ability classrooms (2nd Ed., pp. 45-51). Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson.
Tomlinson, C. A. & McTighe, J. (2006). Considering evidence of learning in
diverse classrooms. In C. A. Tomlinson, & J. McTighe, Integrating
differentiated instruction & understanding by design: connecting
content and kids (pp.59-82). Heatherton, Vic.; Hawker Brownlow

Sara Husi



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